zonker17's Cellar Austin, TX
Total Beers: 855  |  Unique Beers: 284  |  Breweries: 60
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Consumption History
Drank 500 ml of Aurelian Lure by Jester King Craft Brewery (2015-08)August 23rd, 2018
Simply the best. Jester King beers age amazingly. Peach highly present with exceptional base of funk and sour. 7 of 7 ladies enjoyed with me. Whoever said aging fruited sours is bad was wrong.
Simply amazing and still showing fruit at this age.
Drank 500 ml of Atrial Rubicite by Jester King Craft Brewery (2017-06)August 23rd, 2018
Drank 500 ml of Bière De Blanc Du Bois by Jester King Craft Brewery (2017-09)August 23rd, 2018
Drank 750 ml of Fantôme del Rey by Jester King Craft Brewery (2016-03-22)August 23rd, 2018
Slightly bronze golden, not much head. Heavy coriander on the nose. Taste shows some black pepper and more coriander, funky sour.
Sour, good Belgian but too sour.
Drank 500 ml of Nocturn Chrysalis by Jester King Craft Brewery (2014-04)August 23rd, 2018
Sour as hell. Berries much faded. Interesting none the less. Some very mild cheese notes
Still awesome. Fruit holding up wonderfully.
Drank 750 ml of El Cedro by Jester King Craft Brewery (2013-07-23)August 18th, 2018
Very bitter. Still very drinkable after 5 years.
Drank 16 oz of Breakfast Hero by TrimTab BreweryAugust 11th, 2018
Drank 22 oz of French Quarter Temptress by Lakewood Brewing CoJuly 28th, 2018
Drank 750 ml of Nein Ale by Surly Brewing Co. (2015)July 22nd, 2018
Might have waited too long. Near black with minimal head. Nose lacking in character, just some smoke. Taste not bad, decent smoked malt and some oxidation coming through.
Drank 750 ml of Eight Ale by Surly Brewing Co. (2014)July 22nd, 2018
Great bottle. No real degradation. Worthy of a 4,2 overall.
Might have waited too long. Near black with minimal head. Nose lacking in character, just some smoke. Taste not bad, decent smoked malt and some oxidation coming through.
Drank 22 oz of Senor Viejo by Twisted X Brewing Company (2015)July 22nd, 2018
Can't expect too much here. Drank it, nose not bad. Taste highly oxidized.
Seemed to get better with air. Very good.
Holding up well.
Drank 750 ml of Sans Frontiere by To Øl (2014)July 22nd, 2018
2014 pouring amber in color, good head and some lacing. Nose a combination of hops and oxidation notes. Taste more like a German style dark beer at this time. Generally good but nothing spectacular.
Drank 22 oz of Maple Bacon Coffee Porter by Funky Buddha Lounge and Brewery (2017)July 4th, 2018
Good maple flavor and excellent body.
Drank 750 ml of Beltane by Propolis Brewing (2016)July 4th, 2018
The fold medal shines through.
Drank 275 ml of Harvest Ale (Lagavulin Cask) by JW Lees and Co. (Brewers) Ltd. (2013)July 4th, 2018
HCBS #13 beer. Loved by all at 10 years. Smokey, peaty scotch coming through as an excellent compliment to the ale.
Simply fantastic! Black Gap WMA