stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 34 | Unique Beers: 25 | Breweries: 15
Consumption History | When |
Drank 22 oz of Stone Farking Wheaton W00tstout 2015 by Stone Brewing (2015-07-07) | February 25th, 2018 |
2016-04-02 So, so good. | |
Drank 12 oz of Plaid Panther by Hop Haus Brewing Company | February 23rd, 2018 |
2018-03-04 Smoky. Caramely but not too sweet. Really drinkable at 8%. It's a win for the wee heavy. | |
Drank 12 oz of Insanity by Weyerbacher Brewing Company (2015-12-11) | February 22nd, 2018 |
2017-05-23 Tasted a bit sour when cold, I was worried about infection but I don't think that was the case. Extremely yeasty. Tasted like a Belgian ale. Not sure what to think. I liked it better fresher when the bourbon was more prominent and I didn't noticed the yeast as much. I'm tempted to keep it a couple more years to see how it changes but I don't know... | |
2016-12-12 No hint of the whiskey. Otherwise a good barleywine. Listed as "English Barleywine" but seemed very hoppy to me. Lots of sediment floating around marred the clear red liquid. Very pleasant to drink, just the right balance of sweetness. Shows the 11% abv, though. I don't recall my previous impression but I'm rather disappointed at the lack of barrel character in this bottle. | |
Drank 12 oz of Backwoods Bastard by Founders Brewing (2017-09-28) | February 21st, 2018 |
2017-12-12 Much better than it was a month ago. Nice and buttery. | |
2017-12-10 Unknown date of consumption. Forgot to record an entry somewhere. | |
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-11-04) | February 20th, 2018 |
2017-10-19 Like bourbon soaked cocoa powder. As good as I've ever had it. | |
2017-06-12 It's nearly perfect. I wouldn't mind a little more viscosity but no complaints other than that. If it's truly 9.5% this is a marvel. And much better than the other 2016 batch. I can't remember which one I gave to Jen, I hope it was this one. | |
2017-03-25 Wow. Chocolate much? So much richer than when fresh. Bourbon has mellowed a bit but more chocolate roast. Very, very nice. | |
2017-03-01 Shared 3 ways, we each had a small pour. Drank with berries and cookies. I noticed more coffee flavors than I ever have with this brew. Holds up well against competing sour and sweet flavors. Best on its own, though. | |
Drank 12 oz of Expedition Stout by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2015-10-16) | February 19th, 2018 |
2020-03-14 Still fantastic. No drop-off but my preference center's around the three year mark. Barrel-aged is great but not what I want all the time. Perfect with beef stew. | |
2018-07-23 Nearly 3 years old and this is in it's prime. | |
2016-10-19 Yep, this is my definition of Russian Imperial Stout. | |
Drank 12 oz of Anti-Hero by Revolution Brewing LLC (2018-01-16) | February 18th, 2018 |
Drank 12 oz of Old Stock Ale 2016 by North Coast Brewing Co. (2016-05) | February 18th, 2018 |
2018-03-20 The 2016 is off. Not off flavors, just not where it should be. | |
2018-02-18 Very subtle, hard to believe it's 11.5%. Better than the last time but still disappointing. I need to try another vintage. | |
2018-01-17 Hmm, yeasty, a bit nutty nowhere near as good as I remember. | |
Drank 12 oz of Anti-Hero by Revolution Brewing LLC (2018-01-16) | February 17th, 2018 |
Drank 12 oz of Chief Blackhawk Porter by Tyranena Brewing (2017-12-01) | February 17th, 2018 |
2018-02-10 Solid porter. | |
Drank 22 oz of Mirror Mirror by Deschutes Brewery (2014-02-24) | February 16th, 2018 |
2018-02-16 Easy drinking for a barleywine, and finishes clean. Really balanced. Plenty of caramel sweetness and also some tart finish from the wine barrel. No negatives at four years old. Wonder what it would be like after four more but I don't regret opening it now. Delicious, really glad I was able to pick this up in Bend after missing out on it in Estes Park. | |
Drank 12 oz of Anti-Hero by Revolution Brewing LLC (2018-01-16) | February 15th, 2018 |
Drank 12 oz of Chief Blackhawk Porter by Tyranena Brewing (2017-12-01) | February 13th, 2018 |
2018-02-10 Solid porter. | |
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2017-10-17) | February 12th, 2018 |
2017-12-06 Cocoa powder. Less bourbon than I remember from the other bottle, wouldn't mind a little more. It also needs another month, at least, to settle in the bottle. But maybe the best vintage that I can remember. | |
2017-11-24 The 2016 took a few months to get this good. This one is ready to go out of the gate. Chocolate bomb on the nose and tongue. Some coffee at the backend, too. More than I remember in other vintages. This is simply great. Reaffirms that I don't _need_ any other barrel stout. | |
Drank 22 oz of Black Butte XXVIII by Deschutes Brewery (2016-06-13) | February 11th, 2018 |
2018-02-11 Rich, complex, balanced, delicious. Don't miss these releases. Don't want to stock up at this price but they're really good. |