stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 45  |  Unique Beers: 28  |  Breweries: 14
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Wisconsin Belgian Red by New Glarus Brewing Company (2017)March 6th, 2018
Drank 375 ml of Older Viscosity by Port Brewing CompanyMarch 5th, 2018
It's almost up there but doesn't maintain the smooth rich character it promised. Starts out like Silhouette and retains plenty of whiskey even though I've let it sit probably a year too long. Still, it drinks like 9% and I'd never complain about it.
Drank 12 oz of Plaid Panther by Hop Haus Brewing CompanyMarch 4th, 2018
Smoky. Caramely but not too sweet. Really drinkable at 8%. It's a win for the wee heavy.
Drank 375 ml of Supplication by Russian River Brewing Company (2016-06-07)March 2nd, 2018
Not much cherry. I think I liked the Sanctification better. Still a top shelf sour. I'll continue to grab these when I get the chance. Maybe not at $14 a bottle, though.
Drank 12 oz of Plaid Panther by Hop Haus Brewing CompanyMarch 1st, 2018
Smoky. Caramely but not too sweet. Really drinkable at 8%. It's a win for the wee heavy.
Drank 12 oz of Chief Blackhawk Porter by Tyranena Brewing (2017-12-01)March 1st, 2018
Solid porter.
Drank 375 ml of Box Set Track 10 by The Lost Abbey (2016)February 28th, 2018
Smoo hoo hooth. Smoother than anything I've ever tasted in this ABV tier. And rich! I barely noticed the coffee, I would have chalked it up to the roast in the malt if I hadn't taken another look at the bottle halfway through. Possibly because I let it sit for a year+. The chocolate dominates and I don't resent it one bit. Did I mention smooth? It's pricey at $14 but it's as good as any stout I've had. Thick thick and rich rich. I don't think I'll pass on this one if I see it again.
Drank 12 oz of Thumbprint Cran-bic by New Glarus Brewing Company (2018-01)February 27th, 2018
Has definitely hit its stride. Really nice right now.
Coming out funky early this year.
Drank 12 oz of Rye-on-Rye by Boulevard Brewing Company (2017-12-04)February 26th, 2018
Drank 22 oz of Stone Farking Wheaton W00tstout 2015 by Stone Brewing (2015-07-07)February 25th, 2018
So, so good.
Drank 12 oz of Plaid Panther by Hop Haus Brewing CompanyFebruary 23rd, 2018
Smoky. Caramely but not too sweet. Really drinkable at 8%. It's a win for the wee heavy.
Drank 12 oz of Insanity by Weyerbacher Brewing Company (2015-12-11)February 22nd, 2018
Tasted a bit sour when cold, I was worried about infection but I don't think that was the case. Extremely yeasty. Tasted like a Belgian ale. Not sure what to think. I liked it better fresher when the bourbon was more prominent and I didn't noticed the yeast as much. I'm tempted to keep it a couple more years to see how it changes but I don't know...
No hint of the whiskey. Otherwise a good barleywine. Listed as "English Barleywine" but seemed very hoppy to me. Lots of sediment floating around marred the clear red liquid. Very pleasant to drink, just the right balance of sweetness. Shows the 11% abv, though. I don't recall my previous impression but I'm rather disappointed at the lack of barrel character in this bottle.
Drank 12 oz of Backwoods Bastard by Founders Brewing (2017-09-28)February 21st, 2018
Much better than it was a month ago. Nice and buttery.
Unknown date of consumption. Forgot to record an entry somewhere.
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-11-04)February 20th, 2018
Like bourbon soaked cocoa powder. As good as I've ever had it.
It's nearly perfect. I wouldn't mind a little more viscosity but no complaints other than that. If it's truly 9.5% this is a marvel. And much better than the other 2016 batch. I can't remember which one I gave to Jen, I hope it was this one.
Wow. Chocolate much? So much richer than when fresh. Bourbon has mellowed a bit but more chocolate roast. Very, very nice.
Shared 3 ways, we each had a small pour. Drank with berries and cookies. I noticed more coffee flavors than I ever have with this brew. Holds up well against competing sour and sweet flavors. Best on its own, though.
Drank 12 oz of Expedition Stout by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2015-10-16)February 19th, 2018
Still fantastic. No drop-off but my preference center's around the three year mark. Barrel-aged is great but not what I want all the time. Perfect with beef stew.
Nearly 3 years old and this is in it's prime.
Yep, this is my definition of Russian Imperial Stout.