stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 34  |  Unique Beers: 25  |  Breweries: 15
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Old Jubilation Ale by Avery Brewing Company (2015)January 11th, 2016
Didn't care for this one too much. Pretty sweet, tastes a lot like dates and other dried fruit.
Drank 25 oz of Wisconsin Belgian Red by New Glarus Brewing Company (2015)January 10th, 2016
Drank 25 oz of Wisconsin Belgian Red by New Glarus Brewing Company (2015)January 10th, 2016
Drank 750 ml of Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale by Boulevard Brewing Company (2015-07-29)January 8th, 2016
Much better than I expected as I'm not, generally, a fan of the style. The initial taste is much like an American Pale Ale, aftertaste like biting into a grapefruit peel. Exceptional (excessive?) head and retention.
Drank 12 oz of Sheep Shagger by Tyranena Brewing (2015-11)January 7th, 2016
Drank 12 oz of Special Double Cream Stout by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2015-11-04)January 6th, 2016
Super roast, burnt flavor but not coffee-ish. Velvety mouthfeel. It's fine but I'd rather have a Guinness.
Drank 12 oz of Louie's Reserve Scotch Ale by Lake Louie Brewing (2015)January 3rd, 2016
Drank 500 ml of Bourbon County Brand Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2015-11-09)January 2nd, 2016
Yum. Viscous, deep, rich, decadent, intoxicating. Everything I want from a RIS. Wish they'd put out the base beer, too.
Drank 22 oz of Citra by Pipeworks Brewing Company (2015)January 1st, 2016
Drank 12 oz of Wulver by Thirsty Dog Brewing (2015)December 31st, 2015
Yeah. Well past it's prime. All the same flavors are there but it's messed up now. About a year of aging seems right. Don't sit on this one for too long.
Amazing this time. Humongous barrel character. Incredible vanilla. This time was as good as any other BB scotch ale I've had. They're crazy to say 43 degrees, though. Doesn't come alive below 55.
CAUTION, GUSHER!!! A bit thin but plenty of depth. Ignore suggestion to drink at 43 degrees. Heavy whiskey flavor. 11 months in the barrel can do that. Could mellow out with some time.
Drank 330 ml of Old Engine Oil by Harviestoun BreweryDecember 29th, 2015
Dark and roasty, a bit too much coffee for my taste. Also a bit expensive at $3.25/bottle. I can get similar for much cheaper.
Drank 12 oz of Thumbprint Milk Stout by New Glarus Brewing Company (2015)December 29th, 2015
Drank 12 oz of Special Double Cream Stout by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2015-11-04)December 20th, 2015
Super roast, burnt flavor but not coffee-ish. Velvety mouthfeel. It's fine but I'd rather have a Guinness.
Drank 12 oz of Expedition Stout by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2015-10-16)December 19th, 2015
Still fantastic. No drop-off but my preference center's around the three year mark. Barrel-aged is great but not what I want all the time. Perfect with beef stew.
Nearly 3 years old and this is in it's prime.
Yep, this is my definition of Russian Imperial Stout.
Drank 12 oz of Ten Fidy by Oskar Blues Brewery (2015-07-28)December 18th, 2015
It's fine. Not my favorite, though. And way overpriced.
I may have to revise that. I remember this tasting a lot more chocolaty and less roast. Definitely has a bite.
NOT an RIS, but a very good Imperial Stout.