stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 34  |  Unique Beers: 25  |  Breweries: 15
33 1
Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Citra-Hero by Revolution Brewing LLC (2017-06-05)June 25th, 2017
Bitterness and harshness has faded a bit but the flavors, overall, aren't as strong. I'll stick with my original analysis, I like the regular Anti-Hero better. I still want to try the other iterations.
Super hoppy. Fresh IPAs are so much better. I'm lucky to have access to mega fresh world class IPAs. This one was very grassy and resinous. I expected more citrusy flavors. I think I like the regular Anti-Hero better but this is really nice. There are five to go.
Drank 22 oz of Citra by Pipeworks Brewing Company (2017-06)June 22nd, 2017
Drank 12 oz of Citra-Hero by Revolution Brewing LLC (2017-06-05)June 21st, 2017
Bitterness and harshness has faded a bit but the flavors, overall, aren't as strong. I'll stick with my original analysis, I like the regular Anti-Hero better. I still want to try the other iterations.
Super hoppy. Fresh IPAs are so much better. I'm lucky to have access to mega fresh world class IPAs. This one was very grassy and resinous. I expected more citrusy flavors. I think I like the regular Anti-Hero better but this is really nice. There are five to go.
Drank 500 ml of Midway ChiPa by Marz Community BrewingJune 20th, 2017
Smells better than it tastes. All kinds of tropical in the nose, but a relatively bland IPA flavor.
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-11-04)June 19th, 2017
Like bourbon soaked cocoa powder. As good as I've ever had it.
It's nearly perfect. I wouldn't mind a little more viscosity but no complaints other than that. If it's truly 9.5% this is a marvel. And much better than the other 2016 batch. I can't remember which one I gave to Jen, I hope it was this one.
Wow. Chocolate much? So much richer than when fresh. Bourbon has mellowed a bit but more chocolate roast. Very, very nice.
Shared 3 ways, we each had a small pour. Drank with berries and cookies. I noticed more coffee flavors than I ever have with this brew. Holds up well against competing sour and sweet flavors. Best on its own, though.
Drank 12 oz of Citra-Hero by Revolution Brewing LLC (2017-06-05)June 19th, 2017
Bitterness and harshness has faded a bit but the flavors, overall, aren't as strong. I'll stick with my original analysis, I like the regular Anti-Hero better. I still want to try the other iterations.
Super hoppy. Fresh IPAs are so much better. I'm lucky to have access to mega fresh world class IPAs. This one was very grassy and resinous. I expected more citrusy flavors. I think I like the regular Anti-Hero better but this is really nice. There are five to go.
Drank 22 oz of Rye Barrel Chocolate Porter by Central Waters Brewing Company (2017-02-28)June 16th, 2017
There's a tartness/sourness that I don't remember encountering before. What's going on? Still chocolaty. The whiskey is more prominent, if anything, but it's marred by the odd (dare I say off?) flavor.
Not that there's hype around this beer, but for as hard as it is to get, it's not exceptional. Plenty of chocolate to be had. There's a large overlap between stouts and porters but I don't have a problem making a distinction with this beer. It's a porter. Lots of carbonation a colder temps. Rye barrel character emerges at room temp. Still very reasonably priced at $8 compared to many other offerings from other breweries. I'd like to see CW do a peanut butter porter. I'll probably pass in the future but it's a nice after dinner beer that isn't too heavy.
Drank 12 oz of Ruination Double IPA 2.0 by Stone Brewing (2017-05-02)June 14th, 2017
I definitely like it better out of the IPA glass.
I remember really liking this before but NvU has, ironically, ruined me for anything else. This is more bitter, which is nice for a change. Lemon peel all the way.
Drank 500 ml of R&D Pommier Sauvage by New Glarus Brewing Company (2016-05)June 13th, 2017
Overall I didn't care for this one. Smells like a foot. Not a sweaty, nasty foot, but still. Champagne like carbonation. Pleasantly sour, little flavor. Admittedly, I have no clue what they were going for but it didn't do anything for me.
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-11-04)June 12th, 2017
Like bourbon soaked cocoa powder. As good as I've ever had it.
It's nearly perfect. I wouldn't mind a little more viscosity but no complaints other than that. If it's truly 9.5% this is a marvel. And much better than the other 2016 batch. I can't remember which one I gave to Jen, I hope it was this one.
Wow. Chocolate much? So much richer than when fresh. Bourbon has mellowed a bit but more chocolate roast. Very, very nice.
Shared 3 ways, we each had a small pour. Drank with berries and cookies. I noticed more coffee flavors than I ever have with this brew. Holds up well against competing sour and sweet flavors. Best on its own, though.
Drank 750 ml of Tart of Darkness by The Bruery (2015-06-23)June 11th, 2017
Very sour. I would call it a dark sour. It was very good. Refreshing. I didn't get the roasty malty notes. It was 2 weeks from 2 years old, maybe the sour had developed enough to dominate. I won't buy it again. Not because I didn't like it, because it's too expensive. The first beer from The Bruery that I have liked.
Drank 12 oz of Ruination Double IPA 2.0 by Stone Brewing (2017-05-02)June 11th, 2017
I definitely like it better out of the IPA glass.
I remember really liking this before but NvU has, ironically, ruined me for anything else. This is more bitter, which is nice for a change. Lemon peel all the way.
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2017-02-21)June 10th, 2017
A little more bitter than I remembered. Smoothed a bit as it warmed but still more coffee and dark chocolate than I prefer. Bourbon is barely there right now to my palate.
This is the best KBS has ever tasted to me. So balanced and chocolaty, but not rich. Deceptively smooth at nearly 12% ABV. Thinner than many consider ideal for big stouts but screw that, this is basically perfect. A little bitter but coffee doesn't overwhelm. Bourbon is surprisingly low key which really lets the other flavors shine.
Harsher than the 2016 but has more flavor. Hope it will settle a bit in the bottle. Exquisitely balanced as always.
Drank 12 oz of Ruination Double IPA 2.0 by Stone Brewing (2017-05-02)June 9th, 2017
I definitely like it better out of the IPA glass.
I remember really liking this before but NvU has, ironically, ruined me for anything else. This is more bitter, which is nice for a change. Lemon peel all the way.
Drank 12 oz of Bourbon Barrel Quad by Boulevard Brewing Company (2016-12-30)June 8th, 2017
Just not my kind of beer.
Hmm. I was told quads were different. This really did nothing for me at all. There was a nice cherry tartness and a little barrel richness, but I didn't care much for it other than that. Glad it wasn't expensive. I'm not inclined to try any other quads considering how universally this is acclaimed. Maybe it's not a quintessential quad but I'm not interested. I'm willing to try another if someone else buys it.