stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 34  |  Unique Beers: 25  |  Breweries: 15
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Consumption History
Drank 22 oz of A Couple Two Tree by Pipeworks Brewing Company (2017-01-10)June 7th, 2017
Really solid scotch all all around...until you get to the spruce tips. It's like a rosemary aftertaste. Why would they do that?
Drank 12 oz of Ruination Double IPA 2.0 by Stone Brewing (2017-05-02)June 5th, 2017
I definitely like it better out of the IPA glass.
I remember really liking this before but NvU has, ironically, ruined me for anything else. This is more bitter, which is nice for a change. Lemon peel all the way.
Drank 12 oz of Brandy Barrel aged cherry lager by Lakefront Brewery (2016-07-20)June 4th, 2017
Still very good, although the brandy is mostly background booze at this point. A highly alcoholic tart cherry lager. Best a little younger when the brandy is more prominent but still delicious.
All my previous notes say the brandy comes out as it warms but that seems to be fading now. The brandy is still there but more background. Drinks like a crisp cherry lager. Plus alcohol.
Holding up really well for a lager after 6 months. Get it cold an ther cherry really comes out. Once it warms the brandy tends to dominate. But I don't regret this purchase at all. It's a really nice change of pace. Delicious. Kind of ridiculous ABV, though.
Huge, huge brandy. Still nicely tart. I didn't buy it until it was already 3 months old but doesn't seem to be hurting from the age, even though it's a lager. Of course I never had a really fresh bottle to compare... Still, it's fun.
Brandy works well with the tart cherries. Gets more boozy as it warms up.
Drank 12 oz of Strawberry Rhubarb by New Glarus Brewing Company (2017-04-18)June 3rd, 2017
Holds up well so far. I have heard that strawberry drops off quickly in beer, but not yet. Really good, wouldn't mind if they brought it back every year.
Turbid. Smells great, like strawberry jelly. Maybe influence a bit by the actual strawberry jelly in my sandwich? Rhubarb comes across much more in the flavor. Took me a bit to parse the flavors, at first I was just expecting massive strawberry, then it seemed like it just wasn't a fresh fruit flavor. The rhubarb covers up a lot of the maltiness so it ends up tasting more like spritzer than beer. And at 4% you can basically drink it that way. Interested to see how much it will settle, although it's bottle conditioned. I can't put this up with Serendipity but I like it as much as the Belgian Red.
Drank 12 oz of Ruination Double IPA 2.0 by Stone Brewing (2017-05-02)June 3rd, 2017
I definitely like it better out of the IPA glass.
I remember really liking this before but NvU has, ironically, ruined me for anything else. This is more bitter, which is nice for a change. Lemon peel all the way.
Drank 12 oz of Backwoods Bastard by Founders Brewing (2016-09-22)June 2nd, 2017
Wow, finally, 6 months after bottling it's finally starting to taste right. That weird, hoppy? flavor has faded and it's sweet and boozy and carmely and buttery.
Something's wrong this year. Last year was as good as any barrel aged wee heavy on the market. This year has a bitter bite the destroys the carmely sweetness. Can't believe I bought so much this year instead of last year.
Drank 375 ml of Sanctification by Russian River Brewing Company (2015-06-19)June 1st, 2017
Yeah, my kind of sour. Absolutely no acetone flavor. Not even all that sour, as sours go. Refreshing, well carbonated. The head was less than pillowy so that's something it can aspire to. Just delightful. Loved it.
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-11-14)May 31st, 2017
I like this vintage a little cooler. Surprisingly, that's where the barrel character comes to the fore. Less distinct and balanced as it warms. I experienced something similar with the BA Silhouette, so maybe it's my palate changing with all the big beers I've been drinking this winter. Really good when it's good, at those lower temps. Not refrigerator cold, but cooler than I typically drink by high gravity beers.
Kind of a mess right now, honestly. Boozy, harsh and thin. Carbonation overwhelms. Nice vanilla flavors but way too fresh at 8 days old. Should be nice later, though.
Drank 12 oz of Backwoods Bastard by Founders Brewing (2015-10-06)May 30th, 2017
Still good, maybe not as balanced as it could be. Smokier, burnt caramel, enough bourbon but not a bomb. More barrel than bourbon.
Lost about all the bourbon in the flavor. I expected it to be smoother by now but it's still quite boozy. Very sweet, in a good way, though.
Drank 12 oz of Thumbprint Cran-bic by New Glarus Brewing Company (2016-04-08)May 28th, 2017
Smoothed out perfectly. No hint of the acetone I noticed last year. Love everything about it.
Plenty tart from the cranberries but the sour has mellowed. Acetone in the nose, which is unfortunate, but tastes amazing. So refreshing, too. Easy to gulp this down.
Just a terrific lambic. Rose red, and sparkles like champagne. Has all the classic marks of lambics but with an incredible amount of cranberry flavor. I don't know how Dan does it, but he adds huge fruit flavor without losing the beer-ness. Extremely refreshing and delicious. Surprised the ABV is as high as it is.
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Barleywine by Central Waters Brewing Company (2017-03-16)May 27th, 2017
So, this takes 2 or 3 years of aging to get it where I want it. The bite is gone, the heat is gone, so smooth and rich. Tastes unmistakably like a barleywine, and an American barleywine at that, but so well integrated. One of the few worth the cellar space. Sigh, not quite Straightjacket but half the price.
This was a little more woody tasting earlier on but now the sweeter stickiness is coming out just like you want from a barleywine.
Drank 22 oz of Stone / Farking / Wheaton Wootstout by Stone Brewing (2016-07-05)May 26th, 2017
Phew. 13% is a lot. More than I want. As good as I remember the 2015 vintage being, that's a lot of alcohol. This one ended up quite sweet, even though it was chilled. It smoothed out a bit as it warmed but either my palate has changed (which it certainly has) or I just don't like this vintage as much. Still a great value since Stone doesn't gouge like some breweries at the larger format. I'll get to my other bottle of 2015 eventually and then see what I think. If it's worth continuing with a 13% stout.
Drank 12 oz of Puff by Sixpoint Craft Ales (2017-04-20)May 24th, 2017
Massive pineapple this time. Warmed quickly due to atmospheric conditions so it got sweet quickly but stll had admirable balance. Sixpoint is growing in stature for me.
Really intense. Every bit of the nearly 10%, too, but not in a residual sugar sweet way. Well made at that high abv.
Drank 12 oz of Insanity by Weyerbacher Brewing Company (2015-12-11)May 23rd, 2017
Tasted a bit sour when cold, I was worried about infection but I don't think that was the case. Extremely yeasty. Tasted like a Belgian ale. Not sure what to think. I liked it better fresher when the bourbon was more prominent and I didn't noticed the yeast as much. I'm tempted to keep it a couple more years to see how it changes but I don't know...
No hint of the whiskey. Otherwise a good barleywine. Listed as "English Barleywine" but seemed very hoppy to me. Lots of sediment floating around marred the clear red liquid. Very pleasant to drink, just the right balance of sweetness. Shows the 11% abv, though. I don't recall my previous impression but I'm rather disappointed at the lack of barrel character in this bottle.
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Scotch Ale by Central Waters Brewing Company (2015-08-06)May 22nd, 2017
Held up remarkably well, much better than the 2016 I opened the same night. Rich malty depth and retains more barrel than bourbon. Still, it showed its age, not a beer that needs cellaring. Sad to see CW let this one go.
I like it chilled a bit, now, but not 44 degrees or anything. As good as it gets for me.
The best.
This is just my favorite beer. So rich and sweet, but not alcohol sweet. Smooth and delicious.
Bourbon had faded significantly after 9 months. It's still there but more in the background. It's smoother overall but I really liked the big bourbon presence.