stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 34  |  Unique Beers: 25  |  Breweries: 15
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-11-04)October 19th, 2017
Like bourbon soaked cocoa powder. As good as I've ever had it.
It's nearly perfect. I wouldn't mind a little more viscosity but no complaints other than that. If it's truly 9.5% this is a marvel. And much better than the other 2016 batch. I can't remember which one I gave to Jen, I hope it was this one.
Wow. Chocolate much? So much richer than when fresh. Bourbon has mellowed a bit but more chocolate roast. Very, very nice.
Shared 3 ways, we each had a small pour. Drank with berries and cookies. I noticed more coffee flavors than I ever have with this brew. Holds up well against competing sour and sweet flavors. Best on its own, though.
Drank 12 oz of Brandy Barrel aged cherry lager by Lakefront Brewery (2016-07-20)October 18th, 2017
Still very good, although the brandy is mostly background booze at this point. A highly alcoholic tart cherry lager. Best a little younger when the brandy is more prominent but still delicious.
All my previous notes say the brandy comes out as it warms but that seems to be fading now. The brandy is still there but more background. Drinks like a crisp cherry lager. Plus alcohol.
Holding up really well for a lager after 6 months. Get it cold an ther cherry really comes out. Once it warms the brandy tends to dominate. But I don't regret this purchase at all. It's a really nice change of pace. Delicious. Kind of ridiculous ABV, though.
Huge, huge brandy. Still nicely tart. I didn't buy it until it was already 3 months old but doesn't seem to be hurting from the age, even though it's a lager. Of course I never had a really fresh bottle to compare... Still, it's fun.
Brandy works well with the tart cherries. Gets more boozy as it warms up.
Drank 12 oz of Dragon's Milk Bourbon Barrel-Aged Stout by New Holland Brewing Company (2015-08-31)October 17th, 2017
You know, it's still pretty good this time. Chocolate abounds and the barrel is still there. Has some legs yet.
The bourbon is back but it's not balanced particularly well anymore. Seems to be past its prime. Don't go past 2 years with this one in the future for sure.
Definitely smoothed out after nearly two years. Lost a lot of the bourbon, though, and the chocolate has gone over to the dark side. Still really good. Hard to say I liked it before because it is plenty smooth now.
Really tasty. Has a bite that I'd like to see smooth out, it's already a year old. Otherwise, it stacks up well against CW's BB stout. Pricey, though.
Drank 12 oz of Bourbon Barrel Scotty Karate by Dark Horse Brewing Co. (2017-05-26)October 16th, 2017
I noticed the barrel a lot more with big vanilla tones when it was fully chilled, still had that Scotty bite. I liked it quite a bit this time.
Not much flavor when chilled, or at least not much more flavor than the reg variety although it smells great. It gets pretty sweet when it warms, though. I like the non BA variety better, and it's half the price...
I guess I like this one better fully cold. It's not that the bourbon comes out more, but it just becomes so rich and sweet.
Lighter on the barrel than I prefer. Still has that Scotty bite but with some fuzzy warmth. Hard to say if it's improved, though. I like Scotty for that bite, when I want a bourbon barrel scotch ale, bring the bourbon! CW still rules. And this was >$16, more than double regular Scotty.
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2017-02-21)October 15th, 2017
A little more bitter than I remembered. Smoothed a bit as it warmed but still more coffee and dark chocolate than I prefer. Bourbon is barely there right now to my palate.
This is the best KBS has ever tasted to me. So balanced and chocolaty, but not rich. Deceptively smooth at nearly 12% ABV. Thinner than many consider ideal for big stouts but screw that, this is basically perfect. A little bitter but coffee doesn't overwhelm. Bourbon is surprisingly low key which really lets the other flavors shine.
Harsher than the 2016 but has more flavor. Hope it will settle a bit in the bottle. Exquisitely balanced as always.
Drank 12 oz of Murderhorn by Backpocket BrewingOctober 15th, 2017
Bleh. Didn't like it. Tastes like a Tripel. Massively yeasty, I just don't go for all that Belgian jazz, I guess.
Drank 12 oz of Raygun IPA by Backpocket BrewingOctober 13th, 2017
Tasted weird this time, like it was old. A bit syrupy, bitter grapefruit peel. Not the best pairing for a IPA, chicken red lentil soup.
A really enjoyable IPA. No complaints. Refreshing, hoppy, crisp, balanced. Nothing in particular to stand out from the crowd but excellent nonetheless.
Pretty good IPA.
Drank 12 oz of Apocalypse IPA by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. (2017-08-23)October 3rd, 2017
A nice bitter grapefruity west coast IPA.
Drank 12 oz of Apocalypse IPA by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. (2017-08-23)October 2nd, 2017
A nice bitter grapefruity west coast IPA.
Drank 12 oz of Raygun IPA by Backpocket BrewingOctober 1st, 2017
Tasted weird this time, like it was old. A bit syrupy, bitter grapefruit peel. Not the best pairing for a IPA, chicken red lentil soup.
A really enjoyable IPA. No complaints. Refreshing, hoppy, crisp, balanced. Nothing in particular to stand out from the crowd but excellent nonetheless.
Pretty good IPA.
Drank 500 ml of R&D Sour Porter by New Glarus Brewing CompanySeptember 24th, 2017
Plenty of head, some roasty aroma, not much sour. Tastes a bit sour but very balanced with the darker malts. Very refreshing, as it should be. Glad I finally got to try this one.
Drank 12 oz of Home Town Blonde by New Glarus Brewing CompanySeptember 23rd, 2017
This was an exceptional pilsener in every way. Probably the best I have ever had.
Drank 12 oz of Octoberfest Beer by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2017-08-17)September 22nd, 2017
I really like this one. It's not as down the middle as Great Lakes, it has a more spicy nutty flavor. I have a hard time not comparing it to Staghorn. I definitely put this in my top tier now. Bonus points for sub 6%.
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Barleywine by Central Waters Brewing Company (2017-03-16)September 21st, 2017
So, this takes 2 or 3 years of aging to get it where I want it. The bite is gone, the heat is gone, so smooth and rich. Tastes unmistakably like a barleywine, and an American barleywine at that, but so well integrated. One of the few worth the cellar space. Sigh, not quite Straightjacket but half the price.
This was a little more woody tasting earlier on but now the sweeter stickiness is coming out just like you want from a barleywine.
Drank 12 oz of Octoberfest Beer by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2017-08-17)September 20th, 2017
I really like this one. It's not as down the middle as Great Lakes, it has a more spicy nutty flavor. I have a hard time not comparing it to Staghorn. I definitely put this in my top tier now. Bonus points for sub 6%.