stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 34 | Unique Beers: 25 | Breweries: 15
Consumption History | When |
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-11-04) | October 19th, 2017 |
2017-10-19 Like bourbon soaked cocoa powder. As good as I've ever had it. | |
2017-06-12 It's nearly perfect. I wouldn't mind a little more viscosity but no complaints other than that. If it's truly 9.5% this is a marvel. And much better than the other 2016 batch. I can't remember which one I gave to Jen, I hope it was this one. | |
2017-03-25 Wow. Chocolate much? So much richer than when fresh. Bourbon has mellowed a bit but more chocolate roast. Very, very nice. | |
2017-03-01 Shared 3 ways, we each had a small pour. Drank with berries and cookies. I noticed more coffee flavors than I ever have with this brew. Holds up well against competing sour and sweet flavors. Best on its own, though. | |
Drank 12 oz of Brandy Barrel aged cherry lager by Lakefront Brewery (2016-07-20) | October 18th, 2017 |
2017-10-18 Still very good, although the brandy is mostly background booze at this point. A highly alcoholic tart cherry lager. Best a little younger when the brandy is more prominent but still delicious. | |
2017-06-04 All my previous notes say the brandy comes out as it warms but that seems to be fading now. The brandy is still there but more background. Drinks like a crisp cherry lager. Plus alcohol. | |
2017-03-17 Holding up really well for a lager after 6 months. Get it cold an ther cherry really comes out. Once it warms the brandy tends to dominate. But I don't regret this purchase at all. It's a really nice change of pace. Delicious. Kind of ridiculous ABV, though. | |
2016-12-04 Huge, huge brandy. Still nicely tart. I didn't buy it until it was already 3 months old but doesn't seem to be hurting from the age, even though it's a lager. Of course I never had a really fresh bottle to compare... Still, it's fun. | |
2016-10-13 Brandy works well with the tart cherries. Gets more boozy as it warms up. | |
Drank 12 oz of Dragon's Milk Bourbon Barrel-Aged Stout by New Holland Brewing Company (2015-08-31) | October 17th, 2017 |
2017-11-09 You know, it's still pretty good this time. Chocolate abounds and the barrel is still there. Has some legs yet. | |
2017-10-17 The bourbon is back but it's not balanced particularly well anymore. Seems to be past its prime. Don't go past 2 years with this one in the future for sure. | |
2017-07-17 Definitely smoothed out after nearly two years. Lost a lot of the bourbon, though, and the chocolate has gone over to the dark side. Still really good. Hard to say I liked it before because it is plenty smooth now. | |
2016-10-30 Really tasty. Has a bite that I'd like to see smooth out, it's already a year old. Otherwise, it stacks up well against CW's BB stout. Pricey, though. | |
Drank 12 oz of Bourbon Barrel Scotty Karate by Dark Horse Brewing Co. (2017-05-26) | October 16th, 2017 |
2017-11-28 I noticed the barrel a lot more with big vanilla tones when it was fully chilled, still had that Scotty bite. I liked it quite a bit this time. | |
2017-10-16 Not much flavor when chilled, or at least not much more flavor than the reg variety although it smells great. It gets pretty sweet when it warms, though. I like the non BA variety better, and it's half the price... | |
2017-08-08 I guess I like this one better fully cold. It's not that the bourbon comes out more, but it just becomes so rich and sweet. | |
2017-07-28 Lighter on the barrel than I prefer. Still has that Scotty bite but with some fuzzy warmth. Hard to say if it's improved, though. I like Scotty for that bite, when I want a bourbon barrel scotch ale, bring the bourbon! CW still rules. And this was >$16, more than double regular Scotty. | |
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2017-02-21) | October 15th, 2017 |
2017-10-15 A little more bitter than I remembered. Smoothed a bit as it warmed but still more coffee and dark chocolate than I prefer. Bourbon is barely there right now to my palate. | |
2017-05-21 This is the best KBS has ever tasted to me. So balanced and chocolaty, but not rich. Deceptively smooth at nearly 12% ABV. Thinner than many consider ideal for big stouts but screw that, this is basically perfect. A little bitter but coffee doesn't overwhelm. Bourbon is surprisingly low key which really lets the other flavors shine. | |
2017-04-07 Harsher than the 2016 but has more flavor. Hope it will settle a bit in the bottle. Exquisitely balanced as always. | |
Drank 12 oz of Murderhorn by Backpocket Brewing | October 15th, 2017 |
2017-10-15 Bleh. Didn't like it. Tastes like a Tripel. Massively yeasty, I just don't go for all that Belgian jazz, I guess. | |
Drank 12 oz of Raygun IPA by Backpocket Brewing | October 13th, 2017 |
2017-10-24 Tasted weird this time, like it was old. A bit syrupy, bitter grapefruit peel. Not the best pairing for a IPA, chicken red lentil soup. | |
2017-10-13 A really enjoyable IPA. No complaints. Refreshing, hoppy, crisp, balanced. Nothing in particular to stand out from the crowd but excellent nonetheless. | |
2017-10-01 Pretty good IPA. | |
Drank 12 oz of Apocalypse IPA by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. (2017-08-23) | October 3rd, 2017 |
2017-10-03 A nice bitter grapefruity west coast IPA. | |
Drank 12 oz of Apocalypse IPA by 10 Barrel Brewing Co. (2017-08-23) | October 2nd, 2017 |
2017-10-03 A nice bitter grapefruity west coast IPA. | |
Drank 12 oz of Raygun IPA by Backpocket Brewing | October 1st, 2017 |
2017-10-24 Tasted weird this time, like it was old. A bit syrupy, bitter grapefruit peel. Not the best pairing for a IPA, chicken red lentil soup. | |
2017-10-13 A really enjoyable IPA. No complaints. Refreshing, hoppy, crisp, balanced. Nothing in particular to stand out from the crowd but excellent nonetheless. | |
2017-10-01 Pretty good IPA. | |
Drank 500 ml of R&D Sour Porter by New Glarus Brewing Company | September 24th, 2017 |
2017-09-24 Plenty of head, some roasty aroma, not much sour. Tastes a bit sour but very balanced with the darker malts. Very refreshing, as it should be. Glad I finally got to try this one. | |
Drank 12 oz of Home Town Blonde by New Glarus Brewing Company | September 23rd, 2017 |
2017-09-23 This was an exceptional pilsener in every way. Probably the best I have ever had. | |
Drank 12 oz of Octoberfest Beer by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2017-08-17) | September 22nd, 2017 |
2017-09-17 I really like this one. It's not as down the middle as Great Lakes, it has a more spicy nutty flavor. I have a hard time not comparing it to Staghorn. I definitely put this in my top tier now. Bonus points for sub 6%. | |
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Barleywine by Central Waters Brewing Company (2017-03-16) | September 21st, 2017 |
2020-01-17 So, this takes 2 or 3 years of aging to get it where I want it. The bite is gone, the heat is gone, so smooth and rich. Tastes unmistakably like a barleywine, and an American barleywine at that, but so well integrated. One of the few worth the cellar space. Sigh, not quite Straightjacket but half the price. | |
2019-01-30 Life. | |
2018-01-09 This was a little more woody tasting earlier on but now the sweeter stickiness is coming out just like you want from a barleywine. | |
Drank 12 oz of Octoberfest Beer by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2017-08-17) | September 20th, 2017 |
2017-09-17 I really like this one. It's not as down the middle as Great Lakes, it has a more spicy nutty flavor. I have a hard time not comparing it to Staghorn. I definitely put this in my top tier now. Bonus points for sub 6%. |