Mike's Cellar New York
Total Beers: 791  |  Unique Beers: 205  |  Breweries: 64
750 41
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Chocolate Cherry Stout - Limited Release (2020) by Firestone Walker Brewing Co. (2020-10-09)January 26th, 2021
Lots of chocolate. Cherry is subtle. On the thin side, but good flavor.
Drank 16 oz of How Now Brown Cow w/ Peanut Butter, Coffee & Chocolate by Aslin Beer Company (2019)January 25th, 2021
Not loving this, still...
Not bad, not great
Drank 16 oz of Mystery by Goose Island Beer Co. (2020-10-30)January 24th, 2021
I was hoping for something along the lines of the 2014 Prop with coconut. Sadly this isn’t really like that at all. I do taste coconut-like flavors, but not as pleasantly, and very subtle. The base is a very bold BA stout & sweet. Good, but wouldn’t buy.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Stout (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2018-10-04)January 21st, 2021
Bourbon County Vertical 2023
Still really great. Lots of rich, dark chocolate with a hint of booziness and sweetness.
Bourbon County Vertical 2022
Bourbon County Vertical 2021
Super smooth, complex, boozy, chocolatey, and delicious. Left it a bit warmer than usual and that allows the flavors I love to shine right away.
Vertical 2020
Very dark, lots of dark chocolate and sweetness. I think this one was best fresh.
8 year vertical
Mmmm. Welcome back my old friend. This is the BC I fell in love with but haven’t had since 2014. Dark, malty, bourbony booziness. Yum
Drank 12 oz of Cassian Sunset by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016)January 19th, 2021
Can definitely taste the age on it. Getting chocolate, coffee and cinnamon notes. Dark chocolate lingers long afterwards.
This has lost a lot of its original character in 4 years. A bit of coffee, malt and a subtle cinnamon finish. Will have to try a 2018 for comparison.
Drank 12 oz of Pump[KY]n by Avery Brewing Company (2014-09-12)January 17th, 2021
Getting way more pumpkin in this than when it was fresh, which is crazy. Definitely showing it’s age, but not in a bad way.
Very boozy. Lots of sediment firmly suspended. Sweeter than I remember.
Stood up very well after 3 years.
Drank 12 oz of Pump[KY]n by Avery Brewing Company (2014-09-12)January 17th, 2021
Getting way more pumpkin in this than when it was fresh, which is crazy. Definitely showing it’s age, but not in a bad way.
Very boozy. Lots of sediment firmly suspended. Sweeter than I remember.
Stood up very well after 3 years.
Drank 12 oz of Napa Parabola by Firestone Walker Brewing Co. (2019)January 17th, 2021
Smelled similar to Bourbon County, but flavor is very different. Tastes a little like a Bourbon County mixed with a Barleywine. Slight sharpness or bitterness. Very unique.
Drank 12 oz of Java Cask by Victory Brewing (2017-10-25)January 14th, 2021
Very strong dark chocolate with a little too much bitterness. Coffee takes a back seat to the chocolate, but likely adds some bitterness of its own. Regardless, it’s really good.
This tastes a bit more bitter than I remember. Perhaps this wasn’t stored properly. Just bought it but is a year old.
Smells so good. Lots of bourbon and coffee on the nose. The only downside for me is the bitterness, which gets stronger on the aftertaste.
Drank 12 oz of Stuf’t by Prairie Artisan AlesJanuary 13th, 2021
Lots of dark chocolate and malt with a bit of sweetness. On the thinner side and not terribly complex. Good, but not one of my favorites from them.
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2019-02-13)January 12th, 2021
Really good. Lots of coffee at the front, followed by tons of dark chocolate. No loss of flavor after 1 year.
Loads of dark chocolate with a hint of coffee. Finish is roasted malt and lingering dark chocolate. Held up well.
Really good until the very end when bitterness sets in and becomes the only thing lingering on the palette.
Drank 16 oz of Purple Banana by Aslin Beer Company (2019)January 10th, 2021
I’ve had similar tasting beers. I couldn’t drink more than one at a time, but it’s pretty good. I get the peanut, but not the strawberry.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Kentucky Fog Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2020-08-13)January 7th, 2021
Overwhelming earl gray tea flavor; not much else. Flavor doesn’t change much as it warms. Good, but in small doses.
Drank 16 oz of JaBREWzo (2019) by Destination Unknown Beer CompanyJanuary 6th, 2021
Held up well. Wish I could find more of these.
Drank Willettized Coffee Stout by Lagunitas Brewing Company (2020)January 5th, 2021
Held up well. Plenty of coffee and barrel, though seems like very little carbonation.
Really roasty and whiskey is well pronounced. Dark chocolate flavors also present.