Mike's Cellar New York
Total Beers: 791  |  Unique Beers: 205  |  Breweries: 64
750 41
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Consumption History
Drank Harvester of Waves by Equilibrium Brewery (2021-04-14)June 23rd, 2021
Nice flavor. Wish it was slightly less bitter and a little creamier. Large chunks of sediment.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Vanilla Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2018-09-04)June 21st, 2021
Bourbon County Vertical 2021 Still tons of vanilla.
Crazy amount of vanilla.
Each one I open has a varying amount of vanilla. This one is like chugging a bottle of vanilla extract; a bit heavy.
Vanilla is still very prominent. The original recipe comes in with rich chocolate and malt on the finish.
Oh wow it that a lot of vanilla that hits right away! Yum. Then the really dark malty, chocolatey flavor from the stout comes in, followed by the booziness of the bourbon barrels. Excellent!
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Caramella Ale by Goose Island Beer Co. (2020-09-03)June 12th, 2021
Very sweet. Not my favorite member of the Bourbon County family, but still good. Has to be sipped to counteract the sweetness.
Sweet with flavors of caramel and apples, with a hint of cinnamon. The booziness is well hidden but becomes more prominent in the finish. I prefer their classic barleywine, which sadly they haven’t made in 2 years now. This is like dessert.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Café de Olla Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2019-08-08)May 31st, 2021
So much coffee. Not sure this has changed much in 3 years. The cinnamon just ends up adding a butter finish.
Did a side by side with 2019 Café de Olla and 2020 Special #4. In the end, they’re both fantastic, but the Café de Olla wins. Thankfully, the cassia bark aka cinnamon has calmed down in the Café de Olla.
Coffee in this is tasting really nice. I still hope they go back to a coffee only BA stout, but this is good. The base also shines through with a lot of dark chocolate and malt.
This seems like it has changed a bit since being fresh. Overwhelming amount of rich, dark chocolate and malt with just a hint of the coffee, orange and cinnamon.
Lots of coffee up from that gives way to the acidity of the orange peel and spice of the cassia bark. The finish is dark roasted malt, that leads into dark chocolate and heat. Still prefer 2015/6 coffee over any subsequent release so far.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Stout (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2018-10-04)May 29th, 2021
Bourbon County Vertical 2023
Still really great. Lots of rich, dark chocolate with a hint of booziness and sweetness.
Bourbon County Vertical 2022
Bourbon County Vertical 2021
Super smooth, complex, boozy, chocolatey, and delicious. Left it a bit warmer than usual and that allows the flavors I love to shine right away.
Vertical 2020
Very dark, lots of dark chocolate and sweetness. I think this one was best fresh.
8 year vertical
Mmmm. Welcome back my old friend. This is the BC I fell in love with but haven’t had since 2014. Dark, malty, bourbony booziness. Yum
Drank 16 oz of Fayston Maple Imperial Stout Aged in Mad River PX Rum Sherry Casks by Lawson's Finest Liquids (2020)May 25th, 2021
Tons of dark chocolate. Not getting the maple nor the rum. Nice warmth in the back of the throat. Been waiting a lot of years to try the base beer, which is still like to try. This is good, but I’d back off the dark chocolate a bit.
Drank 25 oz of Game of Thrones: My Watch Has Ended by Brewery OmmegangMay 16th, 2021
Drank 25 oz of Black Ops Aged in Four Roses Bourbon Barrels (2020) by Brooklyn Brewery (2020)May 16th, 2021
Very bourbon forward and has a nice sweetness. Very different from any other Black Ops I’ve had.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Coffee Barleywine by Goose Island Beer Co. (2018-09-27)May 9th, 2021
This is better now than I remember it when it was fresh. Lots of coffee, good barleywine base, and lots of dark malt.
Still not worthy of the Bourbon County moniker, but it’s pretty good. Lots of coffee still, even after 2.5 years. Might continue aging the rest, as I think it will get better.
I get the sweet barleywine, but not the aroma of not the flavor of coffee.
Coffee is very strong on the nose and palette. Taste gets darker as it sits. Very boozy. Don’t get the barleywine part of this. Bitter. Disappointed more than I already knew I would be.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Special #4 Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2020-09-14)April 29th, 2021
This is aging really nicely. The coffee in it is reminiscent of the 2015/6 BCBCS, followed by ultra dark chocolate, but without the typical bitterness.
Drank 12 oz of Nemesis by Founders Brewing (2021-03-09)April 16th, 2021
This tastes like someone mixed a barleywine with an extremely bitter, hoppy west coast IPA. Three years later and it hasn’t gotten any better. Will probably be a drain pour.
Malty and hoppy.
Drank 25 oz of Three Philosophers by Brewery Ommegang (2011)April 3rd, 2021
Held up really well despite most carbonation being gone.
Held up amazingly well.
Sadly there’s not much left to this after 9 years. Just a hint of tartness from the cherries on the finish.
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2017-02-27)April 3rd, 2021
Loss of chocolate and a hint of coffee. Has held up quite well.
Gave to Stan Soroka as thank you for bourbon samples (Red Breast and New Riff)
Starting to taste like KBS. I THINK 4 years is the longest without losing too much, but fresh is still best. Not much coffee left. Mostly roasted malt.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Stout (2017) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2017-07-28)April 1st, 2021
Bourbon County Vertical 2023
Bourbon County Vertical 2022
Bourbon County Vertical 2021
Held up very well. Sweet, lots of dark chocolate, booziness, and roasted malt.
8 year vertical
Sadly not as good as 2016, which was not as good as 2015. This has an odd flavor profile and nose. Hoping my other bottles are better.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Stout (2018) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2018-10-04)March 25th, 2021
Bourbon County Vertical 2023
Still really great. Lots of rich, dark chocolate with a hint of booziness and sweetness.
Bourbon County Vertical 2022
Bourbon County Vertical 2021
Super smooth, complex, boozy, chocolatey, and delicious. Left it a bit warmer than usual and that allows the flavors I love to shine right away.
Vertical 2020
Very dark, lots of dark chocolate and sweetness. I think this one was best fresh.
8 year vertical
Mmmm. Welcome back my old friend. This is the BC I fell in love with but haven’t had since 2014. Dark, malty, bourbony booziness. Yum