Mike's Cellar New York
Total Beers: 791  |  Unique Beers: 205  |  Breweries: 64
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Consumption History
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout (2016) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2016-09-21)November 20th, 2022
Mmm, just as good as I remember with lots of flavorful coffee. Oh how I wish they’d make this exact recipe again. This one was stored very well and purchased recently from another BC enthusiast.
Aroma is still on point. No carbonation left. Flavors have changed - it’s past it’s prime, but still good. Lots of dark chocolate on the finish with a touch of booziness. I hope they make this exact style again someday.
Not exactly as I remember it, in that the coffee has faded a little and the dark chocolate from the base has amped up. Still fantastic, but best fresh. I hope Goose Island makes this again someday.
Drank 12 oz of Bamburana by Oskar Blues / Cigar City (2019-01-10)October 24th, 2022
Still tastes great. Starting to detect a hint of age, but not in a bad way.
Still tastes as I remember it. Sad they haven’t made this again.
Holding up really well.
Still so good.
Holding up nicely so far. Still strong whiskey and fig flavors, with malt on the finish.
Really interesting. Bold malty flavor, softened by the brandy and made slightly sharp by the whiskey. Sweetness from the figs and dates.
Drank 16 oz of Birthday Bourbon County Brand Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2020)October 19th, 2022
Sadly this is my last one, but had to drink it on my birthday. So good. The depth of flavors on this one is something special.
Drank 16 oz of Incarnation 2021 by Finback Brewery (2021)October 7th, 2022
Love the thickness/viscosity of the Finback BA stouts. World class. Tons of coffee, very sweet.
A bit sweeter than I expected and more coffee on the nose than the palate. Super thick and yummy.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Special #4 Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2020-09-11)September 30th, 2022
This has held up remarkably well. Still plenty of coffee and flavorful maple syrup flavors.
Lots of coffee and molasses, along with dark chocolate. A bit thinner than the regular stouts, but flavors linger for awhile.
Coffee is still prominent, with a hint of sweetness from the maple. Holding up well so far.
Lots of coffee; more than I remember. Glad I have a bunch of these left.
Did a side by side with 2019 Café de Olla and 2020 Special #4. In the end, they’re both fantastic, but the Café de Olla wins. Thankfully, the cassia bark aka cinnamon has calmed down in the Café de Olla.
This is a mouthful of coffee and not a whole lot of other flavors. There’s a subtle hint of the sweetness from the maple. It would have been better if Goose Island stuck with the base stout instead of the thinner, less malty, less flavorful oatmeal.
Drank 12 oz of Samuel Adams Black Lager by Boston Beer Company (2012-01)September 25th, 2022
Too old - throwing out
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Reserve 150 Stout (2021) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2021-07-25)September 24th, 2022
This is still excellent. Incredibly rich and decadent, with a nice warmth from the barrel.
Drinking this along with a sample of Old Forester 150, the same barrels this was aged in. What a pairing! Thanks Richard!!!
This is the clear winner for the 2021 lineup. Sadly I never got to try the OF 150 bourbon this beer was aged in barrels of, but now I want to even more than before. Low carbonation, but depth of flavor. Tons of barrel. Enjoying it even more as it warms.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Double Barrel Toasted Barrel Stout (2021) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2021-07-20)September 1st, 2022
I have to say this seems better than I remember. Lots of barrel. On the negative side, it’s one of the thinnest BCs.
Lots of barrel in this, but I really don’t think it’s all that different from the regular BC, except perhaps depth of flavor. Same flavors, just amped up a bit.
I wanted to love this more. Lots of barrel. Reminds me of a Reserve, but smoother. A bit of sharpness on the front, that melts into a smooth bourbon Kentucky hug on the finish. Sadly not tasting anything from the toasted barrels.
Drank 22 oz of Imperial Biscotti Break by Evil TwinAugust 25th, 2022
Held up well.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Stout (2020) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2020-09-22)August 20th, 2022
This one has not held up as well as others. Mouthfeel is a bit thin and while there’s barrel left on it, there’s a hint of bitterness as well. Hoping it gets better as it warms.
With Phil in Colorado during steak night.
Bourbon County Vertical 2023
Not my favorite year, but crazy depth of flavor and very boozy.
Bourbon County Vertical 2022
Bourbon County Vertical 2021
Tons of dark chocolate, malt, and bourbon goodness. Decadent and rich.
Vertical 2020
Drank 25 oz of Three Philosophers by Brewery Ommegang (2012)August 18th, 2022
Aged really well. Like a Barleywine with a subtle hint of cherry.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Wheatwine (2019) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2019-09-08)August 13th, 2022
Been a few years since I’ve had one of these. It’s still pretty sweet, so it’s a slow sipper. Still has a lot of heat that’s leaves a warm sensation in the back of the throat. While I far prefer their Barleywine over this, it’s decent.
All booze, very hot, sweet. Still shouldn’t be part of the Bourbon County series, imho.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Midnight Orange by Goose Island Beer Co. (2018-09-20)August 9th, 2022
With Mike and Katie
Bourbon County Vertical 2022
More chocolate than orange now. Still good.
Definitely starting to show its age and the orange has changed a bit, but there’s plenty orange left and the base beer shines through beautifully.
Still tons of orange. Super dark, chocolatey, malty, and sticky on the lips. I hope they make this again someday.
Orange is still strong at the front. Holding up well.
This one seems to have lost a bit of carbonation and the Orange has faded a bit. I bought this one more recently so maybe not stored well.
Drank 16 oz of Wrench NEIPA by Industrial Arts Brewing (2022-05-17)August 6th, 2022
Nice flavor, crisp, light, refreshing with a hint of wheat. Slightly less bitterness would be better, but it’s not enough to be offensive.
Drank 16 oz of Juice Break by Garvies Point Craft Brewery (2021-12-20)August 4th, 2022
Even though I just bought this a week ago, they can say it was made in December. I don’t know if it went bad or if it’s just weird and bad. Hard to describe the flavor. Gotta drain pour.