zonker17's Cellar Austin, TX
Total Beers: 855  |  Unique Beers: 284  |  Breweries: 60
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Consumption History
Drank 22 oz of Dark Lord by Three Floyds Brewing (2015)July 6th, 2022
Black with small head. Nose has umami notes, charcoal grill in a good way. Taste more chocolatey and sweet, molasses, booze, fig, cocao powder. Big body and low carb. Held up for 7 years.
Drank 500 ml of Bourbon County Brand Classic Cola Stout (2021) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2021-08-09)July 6th, 2022
Looks like most BCBS, black, minimal head. Molasses and cola on the nose. Taste beckons to cola, boozy, coconut, chocolate. Big body and low carbonation.
Drank 750 ml of Cavaleiro of Varnov by Three Floyds Brewing (2018)July 5th, 2022
Pours black with beige head, low retention and lacing. Sherry and wood on nose with slight vanilla. Taste rich chocolate, sherry, cherry, boozy. Huge mouth feel and mild carbonation. Fantastic!
Drank 12 oz of Mixed Berry Ryeway by Revolution Brewing LLC (2020-07-10)June 30th, 2022
Enjoyed in the pool.
Deep red color, not much head. Nose dominated by berry. Taste also very berry, raspberry and strawberry. Hides 12% very well.
Wide variety of flavors. Berries hit hard with backup by chocolate. Love it!
Drank 750 ml of Fantôme del Rey by Jester King Craft Brewery (2016-03-22)June 30th, 2022
Slightly bronze golden, not much head. Heavy coriander on the nose. Taste shows some black pepper and more coriander, funky sour.
Sour, good Belgian but too sour.
Drank 750 ml of Demi-Tone by Jester King Craft Brewery (2017-03-07)June 30th, 2022
Simply perfect. Not too sour and blueberry coming in very well.
Light purple color on light base beer, still. Light funk on nose. Blueberry present on taste but light, mild sour, good balance.
Loved by all. Good fruit flavor and very drinkable.
Drank 750 ml of El Cedro by Jester King Craft Brewery (2015-10-08)June 30th, 2022
Over the top Brett. Gusher. Still very good.
Drank 22 oz of Exorcism Of Rachel Wall by Clown Shoes (2016-07-25)June 24th, 2022
Good but past prime.
Drank 750 ml of Queen's Order by Jester King Craft Brewery (2017-04-04)May 8th, 2022
Had a smoky taste, maybe somehow from lemons. Very dry.
Drank 750 ml of Kvass by Jester King Craft Brewery (2016-08-22)May 8th, 2022
Great and aged well.
Batch 1. Poured to snifter, clear golden approaching amber with white head, very little retention or lacing. Fruity nose with elements of yeast. Flavors follow nose with green apple, lime. Average body and below average carbonation.
Drank 12 oz of Divine Reserve 15 by Saint Arnold Brewing Company (2015-01-13)May 5th, 2022
Similar to last time. Now showing some off flavors. Still amazing.
Really good. Robust smoked malt, anise flavors. Great body.
Drank 750 ml of French Vanilla Militia by Three Floyds Brewing (2019)May 1st, 2022
2019 release. Very dark brown, light brown head, some lacing. Nose big vanilla, bourbon, marshmallow, chocolate, smores. Taste also leads with vanilla and oddly boozy and sure why, cocoa, honey, mild wood not getting wine. Huge body and low carbonation.
Drank 750 ml of Reposé by Jester King Craft Brewery (2015-01-07)April 29th, 2022
Translucent brown with thick off-white head, good lacing and retention. Funky cherry nose. Taste very complex funkiness and tart cherries. Aged perfectly.
Drank 12 oz of Narwhal Imperial Stout by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. (2019-08-25)April 26th, 2022
Very dark brown, ample beige head fades quickly, no lacing. Nose coffee, mild dark chocolate. Taste led by roasted malt, high roast coffee, bitter finish. Near heavy body and mild carbonation.
Drank 12 oz of Wine Barrel Noir by Prairie Artisan Ales (2014)April 19th, 2022
Huge 4 finger beige head with long retention, near black, good lacing. Nose light malt with small signs of oxidation. Taste really showing off the wine barrel, jammy, stout base reserved. Very unexpected and good.