stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 34  |  Unique Beers: 25  |  Breweries: 15
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Consumption History
Drank 22 oz of Straight Jacket by Revolution Brewing LLC (2015-12-17)March 18th, 2017
A big hit. Well earned reputation. I had no difficulty identifying this style from its complete lack of bitterness. Ventures into Belgian Strong Ale territory with its sweetness. Stereotypical toffee and caramel. Incredibly well balanced, so smooth for 13%, no alcohol bite, no booziness. Not as complex as I was hoping considering the reputation, but a relative bargain for the price. Maybe I should have grabbed another bottle this year when I had the chance?
Drank 750 ml of Mash by The Bruery (2015-08-07)March 18th, 2017
Unfortunately this one was infected. It was sour. Well, tart is more like it. Like some off-flavored beer it wasn't offensive but it wasn't really enjoyable. And not worth the 12.5%. I dumpted most of it and opened a bottle of Straight Jacket, which was excellent.
Drank 22 oz of Rye Barrel Chocolate Porter by Central Waters Brewing Company (2017-02-28)March 17th, 2017
There's a tartness/sourness that I don't remember encountering before. What's going on? Still chocolaty. The whiskey is more prominent, if anything, but it's marred by the odd (dare I say off?) flavor.
Not that there's hype around this beer, but for as hard as it is to get, it's not exceptional. Plenty of chocolate to be had. There's a large overlap between stouts and porters but I don't have a problem making a distinction with this beer. It's a porter. Lots of carbonation a colder temps. Rye barrel character emerges at room temp. Still very reasonably priced at $8 compared to many other offerings from other breweries. I'd like to see CW do a peanut butter porter. I'll probably pass in the future but it's a nice after dinner beer that isn't too heavy.
Drank 12 oz of Brandy Barrel aged cherry lager by Lakefront Brewery (2016-07-20)March 17th, 2017
Still very good, although the brandy is mostly background booze at this point. A highly alcoholic tart cherry lager. Best a little younger when the brandy is more prominent but still delicious.
All my previous notes say the brandy comes out as it warms but that seems to be fading now. The brandy is still there but more background. Drinks like a crisp cherry lager. Plus alcohol.
Holding up really well for a lager after 6 months. Get it cold an ther cherry really comes out. Once it warms the brandy tends to dominate. But I don't regret this purchase at all. It's a really nice change of pace. Delicious. Kind of ridiculous ABV, though.
Huge, huge brandy. Still nicely tart. I didn't buy it until it was already 3 months old but doesn't seem to be hurting from the age, even though it's a lager. Of course I never had a really fresh bottle to compare... Still, it's fun.
Brandy works well with the tart cherries. Gets more boozy as it warms up.
Drank 12 oz of Illumination Double IPA by Central Waters Brewing Company (2017-02-09)March 16th, 2017
Fades pretty fast. Already past its prime, but mostly because I had it so fresh. The fruity juicy notes are all indistinct now and the malt is more apparent. Don't get me wrong, it's still a well balanced, bitter, refreshing IPA. But it's not what it was when fresh. So drink fresh, while it's still great.
Good on Central Waters. This is the first beer I've had with fruity, tropical flavors from them. Good to know they have that range. Smells like pineapple. Has a nice bitterness. Reminds me of Head Hunter. Maybe not as focused of a flavor profile, not exactly sure what I mean by that. I want to do a side by side with Ruination, too.
Drank 12 oz of Backwoods Bastard by Founders Brewing (2016-09-22)March 15th, 2017
Wow, finally, 6 months after bottling it's finally starting to taste right. That weird, hoppy? flavor has faded and it's sweet and boozy and carmely and buttery.
Something's wrong this year. Last year was as good as any barrel aged wee heavy on the market. This year has a bitter bite the destroys the carmely sweetness. Can't believe I bought so much this year instead of last year.
Drank 12 oz of Jai Alai IPA by Cigar City Brewing (2017-01-13)March 15th, 2017
Ultimately, my experience was that it's a highly carbonated, earthy hopped bitter IPA. It works really well for lunch or with tacos. Not so much with curry. Fluffy, puffy resilient off-white head when poured aggressively. I didn't get any citrusy (maybe some slight citrus peely) notes or tropical fruit flavors but it was almost 2 months after it was canned. Those tend to fade quickly. Would love to try extra fresh. Not sure what the price is down in FL but it's a nice IPA. Glad to try it.
Drank 12 oz of Jai Alai IPA by Cigar City Brewing (2017-01-13)March 14th, 2017
Ultimately, my experience was that it's a highly carbonated, earthy hopped bitter IPA. It works really well for lunch or with tacos. Not so much with curry. Fluffy, puffy resilient off-white head when poured aggressively. I didn't get any citrusy (maybe some slight citrus peely) notes or tropical fruit flavors but it was almost 2 months after it was canned. Those tend to fade quickly. Would love to try extra fresh. Not sure what the price is down in FL but it's a nice IPA. Glad to try it.
Drank 12 oz of Jai Alai IPA by Cigar City Brewing (2017-01-13)March 14th, 2017
Ultimately, my experience was that it's a highly carbonated, earthy hopped bitter IPA. It works really well for lunch or with tacos. Not so much with curry. Fluffy, puffy resilient off-white head when poured aggressively. I didn't get any citrusy (maybe some slight citrus peely) notes or tropical fruit flavors but it was almost 2 months after it was canned. Those tend to fade quickly. Would love to try extra fresh. Not sure what the price is down in FL but it's a nice IPA. Glad to try it.
Drank 22 oz of Imperial Russian Stout by Stone Brewing (2016-03-13)March 13th, 2017
Tried it chilled this time. Maybe better. My worldview is shaken. Are stouts better cold? I'll never believe that barleywines and high abv scotch ales are better cold but maybe stouts? The BA Silhouette was exceptional cold. BORIS was unimpressive at cellar temp. I've been disappointed by a few stouts at cellar temp...
Exactly one year out from bottling. Excellent value at $7 for a 22oz but I'd gladly pay $10 if it were a little thicker. A classic RIS and it hits the right notes for me. Too bad they're not making it this year, really trips up my nascent vertical. But I have so many bottles of other already and Expedition Stout is so good. There are others.
Drank 12 oz of Klisch by Lakefront Brewery (2017-01-20)March 13th, 2017
Nearing 60 days already past it's prime but still pleasant.
Yum. THIS is how a pilsener is supposed to taste. Fresh makes all the difference.
Drank 12 oz of Bourbon Barrel Quad by Boulevard Brewing Company (2016-12-30)March 10th, 2017
Just not my kind of beer.
Hmm. I was told quads were different. This really did nothing for me at all. There was a nice cherry tartness and a little barrel richness, but I didn't care much for it other than that. Glad it wasn't expensive. I'm not inclined to try any other quads considering how universally this is acclaimed. Maybe it's not a quintessential quad but I'm not interested. I'm willing to try another if someone else buys it.
Drank 12 oz of Jai Alai IPA by Cigar City Brewing (2017-01-13)March 10th, 2017
Ultimately, my experience was that it's a highly carbonated, earthy hopped bitter IPA. It works really well for lunch or with tacos. Not so much with curry. Fluffy, puffy resilient off-white head when poured aggressively. I didn't get any citrusy (maybe some slight citrus peely) notes or tropical fruit flavors but it was almost 2 months after it was canned. Those tend to fade quickly. Would love to try extra fresh. Not sure what the price is down in FL but it's a nice IPA. Glad to try it.
Drank 12 oz of Jai Alai IPA by Cigar City Brewing (2017-01-13)March 9th, 2017
Ultimately, my experience was that it's a highly carbonated, earthy hopped bitter IPA. It works really well for lunch or with tacos. Not so much with curry. Fluffy, puffy resilient off-white head when poured aggressively. I didn't get any citrusy (maybe some slight citrus peely) notes or tropical fruit flavors but it was almost 2 months after it was canned. Those tend to fade quickly. Would love to try extra fresh. Not sure what the price is down in FL but it's a nice IPA. Glad to try it.
Drank 12 oz of Burton Baton by Dogfish Head Craft Brewery (2015-07-01)March 8th, 2017
Holds up well after 3 years. Maybe better around 1.5 to 2.
Kind of like a Belgian Strong Ale, candy sugar sweetness but with more malty depth. Some Dried fruit sweetness, as well. Carbonation is superb, incredibly delicate bubbles that give a velvety feel. It's probably not brewed to taste like this but by sheer coincidence is excellent as it ages.
I need to try this one fresh because I really like it with some age on it. Would be interesting (and expensive) to compare.