Josh's Cellar Philadelphia
Total Beers: 130  |  Unique Beers: 81  |  Breweries: 37
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Consumption History
Drank 16 oz of FLX 4th Anniversary by Other Half Brewing Co. (2023-07-14)October 8th, 2023
Deanne and Hannah shared this one and both loved it. Would absolutely buy again, if I can ever find it again.
So yummy! Shared with Kelsy and Deanne.
Really delicious. Sorry they don't have this one all the time!
Very nice indeed. Pleasantly sweet, tropical fruit. Delicious!
Drank 500 ml of Mean Old Tom by Maine Beer Company (2022-03-22)October 5th, 2023
Not a pastry, not barreled, not bourbon - just stout and vanilla. I was expecting something more... substantial, I suppose. Not at all bad, but it just seemed a bit thin to me. Tasty, but I probably wouldn't buy again.
Drank 12 oz of Fruited Tripel by Brewery Ommegang (2023-01-24)September 30th, 2023
I like these just fine.
Hannah had this one over the holidays. She always likes them.
Deanne had this one and wasn't crazy about it. Might have to save them for Hannah!
Drank 375 ml of Mad Elf Grand Cru by Troegs Brewing (2022)September 30th, 2023
Last one!
One more to go!
Yeah, still not my favorite. An interesting beer to try, but I'm not sure I needed 4.
Surprisingly sour, actually. Definite cherry as well. Not what I was expecting. Expected a more traditional Belgian ale.
Drank 500 ml of Snowbirds 5 by Other Half Brewing Co.September 23rd, 2023
Like banana syrup. Probably should have had this one before now, but it has held up well. Quite sweet, with clear banana and some vanilla. Did I mention sweet?
Drank 16 oz of Niagara Falls by Lake Effect Brewing Company (2021)September 22nd, 2023
Pretty much the same review as last time. Maybe a bit more chocolate in this one.
Nice. Definite molasses taste with an interesting slight tang on the finish.
Drank 16 oz of Triple Cream by Other Half Brewing Co. (2023-07-31)September 22nd, 2023
Last of these. Always delicious. Sorry to see it go!
Shared with Kelsy and Deanne. Yum!!
Always delicious!
Drank 750 ml of The Rusty Nail 2020 - Bourbon BA by Fremont Brewing Company (2020)September 3rd, 2023
Fantastic beer. One of my very favorites. Enjoyed with Deanne, Hannah, and Natalie while chatting after games over Christmas at Fairfield Glade. Everyone loved it. Instant buy whenever I can find it.
What a great beer. Nice spice from the cinnamon, lovely chocolate notes, pleasantly sweet but not overwhelmingly so. A great adjuncted stout. Would definitely recommend and I'll be buying again.
Drank 16 oz of FLX 4th Anniversary by Other Half Brewing Co. (2023-07-14)September 1st, 2023
Deanne and Hannah shared this one and both loved it. Would absolutely buy again, if I can ever find it again.
So yummy! Shared with Kelsy and Deanne.
Really delicious. Sorry they don't have this one all the time!
Very nice indeed. Pleasantly sweet, tropical fruit. Delicious!
Drank 16 oz of Mahogany & Tweed (2022) by Burlington Beer Company (2022)August 31st, 2023
Still a touch sweet, but I really like it. Aged nicely even in a can. Would buy again if I found it.
Shared with Hannie on the back deck. Definitely sweet, but I like it. Hannie likes it too.
Still very good. A bit sweet, perhaps, but I really enjoy it. Would buy again if I have a chance.
Really enjoy this one. Shared it with Deanne while we watched the Grammys. Definitely different, but quite nice. I'd probably pick this one up again.
Drank 32 oz of Nectarine Golden Ale by pFriemAugust 31st, 2023
Shared with Deanne and Hannie. Deanne didn't like it, but Hannie and I thought it was ok.
Drank 12 oz of Very Mega by Yards Brewing (2023-03-23)August 31st, 2023
Deanne drank this one because she didn't like the pFriem nectarine golden ale.
Drank 16 oz of Solo Exhibition: Citra by Other Half Brewing Co. (2023-07-23)August 29th, 2023
Yeah, kind of the same review as the last time. Very sweet, but not much fruitiness.
I love triple IPAs. I love triple IPAs from Other Half. Can't get enough of them. That said... This isn't my favorite. It's extremely sweet - more so than most of their other triples I've had, and that kind of muted the juiciness and other flavors for me.
Drank 16 oz of Bonfire by Hub City Brewing Company (2020)August 27th, 2023
This one has been aging in the cellar for...a while. Quite sweet, very carbonated. Pretty tasty though, really. Not tons of complexity, but very enjoyable. I was pleasantly surprised!
Drank 16 oz of Solo Exhibition: Citra by Other Half Brewing Co. (2023-07-23)August 24th, 2023
Yeah, kind of the same review as the last time. Very sweet, but not much fruitiness.
I love triple IPAs. I love triple IPAs from Other Half. Can't get enough of them. That said... This isn't my favorite. It's extremely sweet - more so than most of their other triples I've had, and that kind of muted the juiciness and other flavors for me.