Josh's Cellar East Bay, CA
Total Beers: 345  |  Unique Beers: 216  |  Breweries: 49
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Consumption History
Drank 750 ml of Tropic King by Funkwerks (2013)August 27th, 2013
Really sweet, floral nose, and similar on palate. Great roundness while still remaining fairly sweet. Dig it!
Drank 12 oz of Dogpatch Sour by Almanac Beer Co. (2013)August 27th, 2013
Really balanced sour blonde, the cherry works well.
Drank 750 ml of Smoking Wood (Bourbon Barrel Aged) by The Bruery (2013)August 23rd, 2013
Much better than regular Smoking Wood, the smoke makes a nice backdrop for the pronounced barrel notes, a great take on a porter, and hides the alcohol well.
Zero head, very little carbonation, sweet, oak, and bourbon up front, and lots of smokiness on the finish. Not bad.
Drank 375 ml of Ovila Abbey Quad with Plums by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. (2013)August 22nd, 2013
Has held up quite well, though not as much fruit as I remember, which is to be expected. I do feel like the Westvelteren 12 holds up better.
Tasty! Plums have faded a it, but still a solid Belgian quad.
Dark fruit smokiness, delicious, lingering. Must get more!
Drank 750 ml of Tart of Darkness by The Bruery (2013-05-13)August 22nd, 2013
Such a great sour stout, awesome fruit notes in the nose and on the palate, coupled with a well balanced tartness and mild stout characteristics. Delicious.
Drank 750 ml of Otiose by The Bruery (2012)August 22nd, 2013
Great, consecration and supplication-like, hard to get fruit but not surprising it's fallen out, great beer.
Drank 16 oz of Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Company (2013-08-16)August 21st, 2013
Drank 650 ml of Creme Brulee Imperial Milk Stout by Southern Tier Brewing Co (2013)August 21st, 2013
They're not kidding! Really intense, tons of vanilla in the nose, lots of vanilla and cream on the palate with a hint of toastiness. Quite good but pretty intense to drink a lot in one sitting.
Drank 12 oz of Adam by Hair of the Dog Brewing Company (2012)August 21st, 2013
Muted nose with some yeast and sugar, great on the palate, no heat at all despite the ABV, candi sugar, grain, delicious.
Batch 88, mild carbonation, almost pitch black, great nose, and such a great ale, "old" or not, balanced and delicious. Glad this was better than the Batch 88 Fred.
Mild sweetness, amazing grainy nose, not very boozy, some mild warming. Delicious. (Batch 87)
Drank 22 oz of Stone 17th Anniversary Götterdämmerung IPA by Stone Brewing (2013)August 20th, 2013
A bit malty, but otherwise quite tasty.
Drank 22 oz of Enjoy By IPA by Stone Brewing (2013)August 20th, 2013
Delicious, great bitterness, not too sweet, a balanced DIPA.
A great IPA, an easy pickup any time I see it.
Solid, also. 'Nuff said.
A really solid IPA, extremely balanced and drinkable.
Amazing Stone hop nose, and quite sharp on the palate, but not overwhelming. Tasty.
Drank 375 ml of Oude Quetsche Tilquin à l’Ancienne by Gueuzerie Tilquin (2013)August 20th, 2013
Very little carbonation, pours a nice dark purple golden, great nose and nicely balanced on the palate. The plum comes through faintly but is definitely there, and the geuze characteristics are all in check. Tasty.
Drank 750 ml of Olde Bluehair by Big Sky Brewing (2012)August 19th, 2013
Delicious! Such a great balance of barrel, bourbon, and malt characteristics. The best barleywine I've had in a while.
Drank 330 ml of Trappistes Rochefort 10 by Brasserie de Rochefort (2012)August 19th, 2013
Great beer, currants and other stone fruits in the nose and on the palate.
Dark, rich, deceptively smooth for the strength. Lives up to its reputation, should get some more!
Drank 12 oz of Narwhal Imperial Stout by Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. (2012)August 19th, 2013
Better than the last bottle, from what I remember, pitch black, nice thin head, great nose, nice mix of porter sharpness and stout character.
Not as good as I remember on second tasting. A little dull.
Mild nose, minimal head with decent lacing. Warmth and roasted malts immediately apparent, very solid and straightforward take on an Imperial Stout.