New Mobile Site Ready for Beta Testing August 22nd, 2016 Back ↩

After a couple months of work on and off, a revised and much improved version of the mobile site is ready for testing! I've implemented an almost complete rewrite of the mobile-specific code, ditching jQuery Mobile and its quirks for an overhauled aesthetic and functional experience. The mobile version now more closely matches the 2.0 re-design, many irregular behaviors specific to mobile have been corrected, and in general there should be greater feature parity as compared to the desktop version of the site.


Before this new version goes live, however, I need your help! Specifically, I'm looking for folks willing to spend a little time in a beta, sandboxed environment in order to work out whatever bugs and kinks might be present. I expect at least a few given the scope of this overhaul, so your assistance and feedback are greatly appreciated.

The beta period has ended and the new mobile site is now live. Thanks to everyone who helped test!

A few important things to keep in mind while testing:

  • The beta site is not linked to the live site data, meaning any changes you make to your cellar in the beta environment wont affect your actual cellar data on the live site. As such, I encourage folks to go nuts when testing! Add and manage beers, drink and delete beers, alter your cellar interface settings, send messages, etc. None of it will affect anything outside the beta environment.
  • Updated 8/25: Storage Locations can now be added and deleted via the mobile site. For now, editing of existing Storage Location names is only available on the desktop site, and it will remain this way for at least the initial release.
  • As this test is meant to root out any issues prior to the live launch, please report any bugs or problems you encounter! You can reach me via email at, with an in-site message, or hit me up on Twitter. Please include the type of mobile device you're testing with and your current OS version when making reports, if possible.
Thanks in advance for your help! I'm really looking forward to pushing this work live, and hopefully that will be able to happen in the next week or two. I'll post another update as we near the live launch of the new mobile site, and in the meantime, cheers!