stingray's Cellar Janesville, WI
Total Beers: 39 | Unique Beers: 26 | Breweries: 16
Consumption History | When |
Drank 12 oz of Hop Gods by Lakefront Brewery | January 30th, 2023 |
2023-02-05 Wouldn't have bought this if I had seen it was 9% and I was right. :/ The hops are nice but WAY too much alcohol. Why? Guys, balance balance balance. | |
Drank 12 oz of Hop Gods by Lakefront Brewery | January 29th, 2023 |
2023-02-05 Wouldn't have bought this if I had seen it was 9% and I was right. :/ The hops are nice but WAY too much alcohol. Why? Guys, balance balance balance. | |
Drank 12 oz of Ryeway to Heaven by Revolution Brewing LLC (2021-12-06) | January 27th, 2023 |
2022-08-09 Crazy smooth for 16%. Kinda syrupy. It's real good. | |
Drank 12 oz of Wisconsin Belgian Red by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 26th, 2023 |
2020-04-15 Works as a float but doesn't completely mesh with the vanilla custard. | |
Drank 12 oz of Brewhouse Coffee Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2022-10-13) | January 25th, 2023 |
2022-11-22 Missed an entry somewhere. | |
Drank 12 oz of Brewer's Reserve Bourbon Barrel Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company (2022) | January 21st, 2023 |
Drank 12 oz of Cabin Fever by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 19th, 2023 |
Drank 12 oz of Thumbprint Weizen Doppelbock by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 18th, 2023 |
2023-02-06 This might be the best beer Dan has ever made. | |
Drank 12 oz of Cabin Fever by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 14th, 2023 |
Drank 12 oz of Thumbprint Weizen Doppelbock by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 12th, 2023 |
2023-02-06 This might be the best beer Dan has ever made. | |
Drank 12 oz of Cabin Fever by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 10th, 2023 |
Drank 12 oz of Cabin Fever by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 8th, 2023 |
Drank 12 oz of Cabin Fever by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 8th, 2023 |
Drank 12 oz of Bell's Christmas Ale by Bell's Brewery, Inc. | January 7th, 2023 |
Drank 12 oz of Thumbprint Weizen Doppelbock by New Glarus Brewing Company | January 6th, 2023 |
2023-02-06 This might be the best beer Dan has ever made. |