Mike's Cellar New York
Total Beers: 791  |  Unique Beers: 205  |  Breweries: 64
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Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2016-02-12)January 6th, 2018
Lots of coffee and dark chocolate. Definitely taste the age, but still enjoyable.
Definitely taste the age. Still tons of coffee. Best fresh.
This was their off year. I will say while it wasn’t good overall, it seems to have held up to where it was back then. Still best fresh.
Either this was the off year or this didn’t hold up well. Flavors aren’t right. Maybe it will improve as it warms.
2 years later, it still hasn't improved much.
Slightly better than it was when fresh, but still not up to the standards of other years.
It now has a year on it and hasn't improved much. This year's is fantastic; 2016 still is not.
Still not any better. I think this year's batch will need 2-3 years before it tastes decent.
Drank 16 oz of Southdown Breakfast Stout by Sand City Brewing Co. (2017)January 4th, 2018
Lots of great roasty, malty, and coffee goodness. A bit thin, but pretty good. Thanks Irwin M.
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Stout Rare by Goose Island Beer Co. (2015-09-21)December 31st, 2017
Still holding up amazingly. Lots of sweet barrel goodness that lingers, and dark chocolate.
This is in my opinion one of the best beers you can buy. I’m thankful to have been lucky enough to get a few bottles and am happy to say that this one has held up well, is not infected, and is the world class beer I remember when I first had it. Cheers! This is to celebrate paying off our mortgage!
Not infected and held up amazingly well. No noticeable drop off in flavor since the last time I had one.
So good, just like I remember it 2 years ago! Wow!
Absolutely fantastic. Will definitely try to get more of this and age it. Very boozy but enjoyable. Sweet, smooth bourbon flavor really comes out nicely.
Drank 16 oz of Two juicy by Two Roads Brewing Co. (2017-09-20)December 28th, 2017
Drank 16 oz of Java Cask by Victory Brewing (2017-10-25)December 27th, 2017
Very strong dark chocolate with a little too much bitterness. Coffee takes a back seat to the chocolate, but likely adds some bitterness of its own. Regardless, it’s really good.
This tastes a bit more bitter than I remember. Perhaps this wasn’t stored properly. Just bought it but is a year old.
Smells so good. Lots of bourbon and coffee on the nose. The only downside for me is the bitterness, which gets stronger on the aftertaste.
Drank 12 oz of Tweak (Bourbon Barrel) by Avery Brewing Company (2014-10-28)December 22nd, 2017
Really good after 3 years. Still hot, but nicely balanced.
Drank 22 oz of Mini Growler Imperial Stout by Westbrook Brewing / Evil Twin (2016-02-17)December 22nd, 2017
Pretty good. Fairly thin. Not sure I'd buy again.
Drank 12 oz of Parabola by Firestone Walker Brewing Co. (2017)December 22nd, 2017
Better than when I had it fresh this year. Still not as good as last year when they didn't contract brew.
Very boozy. Nice roasted malt. A little on the hoppy side. Previous years were better, maybe due to this year's contract brew by Boulevard.
Drank 25 oz of Sumi Cacao by Grimm Artisanal Ales (2017-07)December 22nd, 2017
Pretty good. Nice chocolate notes.
Drank 16 oz of Two juicy by Two Roads Brewing Co. (2017-09-20)December 22nd, 2017
Drank 16 oz of Sip of Sunshine by Lawson's Finest Liquids (2017-11-22)December 14th, 2017
Too bitter
Drank 16 oz of Bourbon County Brand Stout (2016) by Goose Island Beer Co. (2016-10-07)December 10th, 2017
Bourbon County Vertical 2023
Starting to take on some aged characteristics, but not in a bad way.
Bourbon County Vertical 2022
This is really holding up very well. Lots of barrel, smooth/silky mouthfeel, and lots of chocolate and roasted malt.
Bourbon County Vertical 2021
Vertical 2020
Has aged very well. Lots of dark, roasted malt and booziness.
Lots of dark chocolate and roasted malt. Thin for BC.
Put some cold brewed coffee in. yumm
8 year vertical
Really good, smooth, boozy, rich and roasty.
Great fresh.
Drank 12 oz of Rumpkin by Avery Brewing Company (2017-08-01)December 9th, 2017
Sweet and boozy.
Drank 16 oz of Two juicy by Two Roads Brewing Co. (2017-09-20)December 8th, 2017
Drank 16 oz of Ten Fidy - Bourbon Barrel-Aged by Oskar Blues Brewery (2016-10-26)December 7th, 2017
Dark as motor oil. More smooth than regular. Boozy and good.
So much smoother than the regular. If I had to change anything, I would make it slightly less bitter.