Corey's Cellar WI
Total Beers: 317  |  Unique Beers: 72  |  Breweries: 46
317 0
Consumption History
Drank 12 oz of Founders Imperial Stout by Founders Brewing (2015-12-02)December 7th, 2016
Still a little too bitter at 1 year 3.75
Drank 12 oz of Anniversary Barleywine by Unita Brewing (2014-11-28)December 6th, 2016
4.0 Pretty Good. Aroma was citrus/floral, but taste was much sweeter. Not quite like an EBW but close.
Drank 12 oz of Plead the 5th Imperial Stout by Dark Horse Brewing Co. (2014-12)December 4th, 2016
4.3 very very smooth at 2 years
ok maybe 3.75+ - not worth aging
4-4.25 smooth tasty roasted malts chocolate hints
Drank 500 ml of Bourbon County Brand Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2016-09-06)December 4th, 2016
2016 2 y.o. 4.3 very good - not sure it's better than the 2017 I had recently
2017 1 y.o. 4.35 very good
2017 1 yo 4.2
2017 10 months old 4.35 excellent
Fresh 2017 4.35 Really good - but not as good as the 1 y.o. 2016 from the prior week
Drank 500 ml of Bourbon County Brand Stout by Goose Island Beer Co. (2015-11-05)December 4th, 2016
Drank 12 oz of Pilgrim's Dole by New Holland Brewing Company (2014)December 4th, 2016
Good/Bad. Smell was tremendous - sweet barleywine, but taste had some off/cardboard?/oxidized flavor? Maybe 4+
2014 Vintage A- Really nice reddish color, very unique S- Smell dominated by bourbon T- Carmely sweet balanced by still strong bourbon finish, and this has been aged a year since purchase O- Good but still a bit hot. The BB flavor still overpowers the malty sweet flavors. I'll age the other bottle I have for a while longer.
Drank 750 ml of Hand and Seal (Bourbon Barrel Aged) by Brooklyn Brewery (2014-09)December 4th, 2016
5 yo 4.3 starting to go down hill - was a bought recently from a store
4.5 yo 4.5 May have aged less than optimally in the store until recently purchased
3 y.o. 4.9 just superb!
4.9 Excellent I'm not sure what could be better - sweet but complex, smooth, balanced and sticky.
Very good 4.5
4.8/5 rDev +11.1% look: 4.25 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.75 9/14 bottling so aged 2 years A - red/brown/orange color with a quickly dissipating head S - wonderful complex sweetness with the barrel coming through nicely T - about as good as it gets - sweet smooth and balanced M - nice and sticky O - one of the best beers I've ever had - I was saving it for a special occasion and the Badgers beating LSU in the season opener was the perfect occasion!
Drank 500 ml of Schneider Weisse Tap 6 Unser Aventinus by Private Weissbierbrauerei G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH (2015-07)December 1st, 2016
4 yo 4.3 very good, a bit light but tasty banana clove flavors
2.5 y.o. 4.1 good, smooth, fairly tasty
4.2 tasty sweet smooth malty with bready fruit flavors
2 y.o. good 4.0 but not as sweet as fresh
ok not great - maybe 3.75. may not be worth aging
Drank 12 oz of Uncle Jacob's Stout by Avery Brewing Company (2016-02-19)November 27th, 2016
2 y.o. 4.3 super smooth - no burn at all, but lost some brunt sugar sweetness
Excellent. no dropoff. >4.5
Still great!
4.85/5 rDev +10.7% look: 4.25 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 5 A - dark with nice tan head S - really nice sweet roasted aroma T - WOW, so good. amazing flavor with no burn. There is a delicious familiar flavor - I think it's camp fire roasted marshmellows. M - nice thick but not sticky O - it's hard to day a 12 oz beer is worth this price, but it is at least once. One of the best beers I have ever tasted
Drank 750 ml of Impending Dissent: Belgian Imperial Stout by Ale Asylum (2015-08)November 24th, 2016
15 months old, didn't really like it. had a soury fruit taste (similar to Cease and Desist also a Belgian IS) 3+
Drank 750 ml of Samichlaus Barrique by Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg (2013-12-06)November 23rd, 2016
Very good at 3 years 4.5, but not a lot different than classic - slight Chardonnay flavoring.
Drank 12 oz of Reverend, The by Avery Brewing Company (2016-09-24)November 23rd, 2016
3.9 good but a bit light
Drank 12 oz of My Turn Series: Todd by Lakefront Brewery (2015-11-03)November 23rd, 2016
2.75 years 4.3 great taste, sticky sweet, but a lot of floaties
2 y.o. 4.25 sticky sweet, really good
4.2 very good at 18 months
4.25 really good - sweet and sticky/thick
4.25 Sweet, thick, flavorful - very good.
Very good at 1 year 4.25+
4.24/5 rDev +19.8% look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.25 Bottle aged six months, but very similar to my thoughts on the two times it had it on draft A - dark brown/black with a thin tan head S - sweet malty aroma T - very smooth, sweet malt, dark stone fruit flavors M - excellent, very thick for a quad O - exactly the flavor I would want of a very good quad with a particularly good mouthfeel
Drank 12 oz of KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout) by Founders Brewing (2016-03)November 23rd, 2016
Way down from fresh 4/4.25
Definitely losing taste - less flavorful and more bitterness coming through.
I think it is dropping off. Some bitterness which is surprising - that should dissipate. Maybe the lessening coffee is allowing that to come through.
still great
Still strong coffee flavor
very good, very smooth, no bitterness at all
excellent coffee and chocolate, but a slight bitterness at the finish - is there a sweet spot where this dies off before you lose the coffee too much?
4.58/5 rDev +0.4% | Avg: 4.56 look: 4.75 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5 Fresh as possible - 4/1 release, purchase and consumption A - Super black with a tremendous tan/brown head S - Very strong and pleasing coffee and chocolate T - Delicious with coffee flavor dominance, very slight bitterness at the finish F - Thick and oily O - Fantastic coffee stout - results meet the hype. Lucky enough to have landed 11 more that I'll consume over time (up to one year unless it starts lose too much coffee).
Drank 12 oz of Cassian Sunset by Central Waters Brewing Company (2016-04)November 23rd, 2016
20 months 4.6 Excellent. Tasted vs. a fresh 2017, less spicy, and way more vanilla and chocolate. Much better than the fresh bottle.
4.35 still just as good
Still very good 4.25
losing some flavor at 6 months, I think.
Really really good, sweet smooth and flavorful. At least 4.5
about 4 months. vanilla aroma very prominent and nice. coffee is down a lot in nose and taste. 4.5
still just as good - a bit more cinnamon in the taste
4.41/5 rDev -0.7% look: 4.25 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25 L - nice dark black with a big tan head S - Coffee, chocolate,vanilla and barrel T - Layered with the same as the aroma with cinnamon coming in lightly late in the taste through the finish M - nice, not too heavy but somewhat sticky O - very good, a great complex BA stout and a value for the price