dercky's Cellar United States
Total Beers: 60  |  Unique Beers: 36  |  Breweries: 24
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Consumption History
Drank 650 ml of F4 Brett Farmhouse Ale by Transmitter Brewing (2015)August 3rd, 2015
Drank 375 ml of Magical Brettanomyces Tour #3, Brett bouckaertii by Trinity Brewing CompanyAugust 3rd, 2015
Drank 500 ml of Amorous by Wicked Weed (2015-02-13)August 3rd, 2015
A- Medium golden-yellow body, clear in character, one finger white head that fizzles out quickly. No film, no collar. No lacing. S- Pineapple, lemon zest, leather and a bit of funk, slight sweet graininess. F- Less of the pineapple, more of the lemon zest and leather. A moderate bit of lactic acid and vinegar, but not overwhelmingly sour. Perhaps 4/10 on the sour scale. Clean and crisp lemon. M- Medium bodied, dry and easy to drink. Mild bitter grapefruit on the backend. O- Solid wild ale with plenty of aromas and flavours. Not complicated, but it's tasty, tart and easy to drink.
Drank 650 ml of 4th Anniversary Chocolate Coconut Almond Imperial Stout by Westbrook Brewing (2014-12-11)August 3rd, 2015
A: pours pitch black in color with a small creamy dark brown head that reduces to a thin film floating on top, lot of alcohol legs S- heavy charred malt with some smoky aromas mixing with dark chocolate up front, caramel malt, I am picking up some toasted coconut aroma, but it's faint. Light nutty aromas with some sweet lactose-chocolate milk to close it out T- loads of bitter-sweet dark chocolate up front, quickly followed by heavy char, vanilla & caramel. I detect light coconut, but probably wouldn't have unless I knew to look for it. Some toasted nutty flavors lead to more chocolate and char on the finish, with a linger of coffee M- medium body with medium-low carbonation leads to a slightly foamy mouthfeel that continues into a warming finish O- a solid heavy stout
Drank 650 ml of Omega Point by Olde Hickory Brewery (2015-01-20)June 5th, 2015
L - Pours a very murky brown. The body is so opaque that I forgot if this was a stout or barleywine. From the color, you can definitely tell they dug deep into the barrel cellar to blend. The half finger tan head doesn't stick around or leave much in the way of lacing. S - I am getting so much powdered cocoa at first sniff. Secondary flavors of caramel and oak along with light dark fruits. Such a deep, intense nose. T - The flavors switched from the nose. Caramel and vanilla at first developing into dark fruits and oak midway and finishing with powdered cocoa. F - Medium to light bodied with light carbonation. This is really my only gripe with this beer as I'd like a bit fuller mouthfeel. Has a thin, somewhat slick feeling mouthfeel. O - A complex, deep and intense beer. Really hard to find fault with this sipper.
Drank 650 ml of Mexican Cake by Westbrook Brewing (2015-05-06)June 5th, 2015
A — Pours a nearly opaque, very dark dark brown color into the glass, comes out of the bottle quite quickly and immediately seems a bit thin. When held up to the light you can see some dark brown hues and waves of light around the edges. There is a coffee colored head atop the beer that fades somewhat quickly and leaves some spotty and sticky lacing around the edges. S — This beer has a nice aroma before you even put your nose up into it, can smell lots of chocolates, cinnamon, brown sugar, caramel, coffee, cocoa. There is a bit of a sharpness to it though, not super rich or chewy, but there is a fair depth of aromas going on here. T — Tastes initially much like the nose, with some really nice coffee and chocolate character, like chocolate frosting, quite sweet. Little bit of vanilla and caramel as well. As you get towards the finish you are hit with a large sharp nearly burning heat, hello chili peppers! What once was a nice if not overly sweet stout, is now a steaming hot spice war. M — Medium-Full bodied, expected this to be full bodied and much thicker though. O — A good beer overall, I just wish there would have been a bit more balance to this one, maybe over time there will be a mellowing out of the chili heat, only one way to find out!