iguenard's Cellar Gatineau, QC, Canada
Total Beers: 1284  |  Unique Beers: 301  |  Breweries: 69
1284 0
   First | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | Last   
Consumption History
Drank 16 oz of Roman Candle by Bellwoods BreweryJune 28th, 2020
Drank 16 oz of Roman Candle by Bellwoods BreweryJune 28th, 2020
Drank 16 oz of Jutsu by Bellwoods BreweryJune 28th, 2020
Drank 500 ml of Krausen by Brauerei Schlenkerla (2019)June 24th, 2020
Drank 375 ml of Oude Myrtille Sauvage Tilquin by Gueuzerie Tilquin (2019-03-21)June 13th, 2020
Drank 375 ml of Oude Gueuze Tilquin à L'Ancienne by Gueuzerie Tilquin (2017-11-22)June 13th, 2020
Drank 500 ml of Fastenbier by Brauerei Schlenkerla (2018)June 13th, 2020
Drank 500 ml of Krausen by Brauerei Schlenkerla (2019)June 13th, 2020
Drank Expedition Stout by Bell's Brewery, Inc. (2018)June 13th, 2020
Drank 750 ml of Cantillon Iris by Brasserie Cantillon (2018-01-09)May 24th, 2020
Drank 750 ml of Cantillon Iris by Brasserie Cantillon (2014-12-18)May 24th, 2020
Drank 375 ml of Gueuze Black Label 1882 by Brouwerij Girardin (2014-07)May 23rd, 2020
Drank 375 ml of Oude Gueuze Tilquin à L'Ancienne by Gueuzerie Tilquin (2017-11-22)May 18th, 2020
Drank 12 oz of Solstice D'hiver by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel (2019)May 11th, 2020
Drank 12 oz of Solstice D'hiver by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel (2019)May 11th, 2020