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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Chocolatini903 BrewersAmerican Imperial Stout13.0%
Chocolatized Vortex IIPisgah Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout11.2%
Chocolaty Cereal Milk StoutBrew Rebellion
Choconaut PorterFirefly Hollow Brewing 7.9%
Chocosaurus RexPure ProjectAmerican Imperial Stout12.5%
Chocosaurus RyeThe Bruery
Chocosaurus RyeThe Bruery / Bootleggers Brewery
ChoctoberfestChoc Beer CompanyMärzen
ChocuraMoat Mountain Smoke House & Brewing CoAmerican Imperial Stout9.0%
Choice Make GoodZero GravityImperial IPA8.3%
Choice PolotmavýElder Pine Brewing & BlendingVienna Lager5.7%
Choir of the DeadBurlington Beer CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout12.0%
Choir of the SunHoly MackerelSaison5.2%
Choir of the SunHoly MountainSaison5.2%
ChokecherryWunderkammer BierWild Ale6.0%