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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Chocolate StoutZipline Brewing Co.American Stout8.5%
Chocolate Stout - Bourbon Barrel AgedGuadalupe Brewing Co.American Stout7.4%
Chocolate Stout NitroRogue AlesAmerican Stout5.8%
Chocolate Strawberry Cannoli of the JungleListermann Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout8.0%
Chocolate Strawberry SunriseSuperstition MeaderyFruit and Field Beer13.0%
Chocolate tacoThe Devil's Trumpet Brewing CompanyOatmeal Stout
Chocolate Tart Cherry FaystonLawson's Finest LiquidsAmerican Imperial Stout10.1%
Chocolate Truffle StoutThomas Hooker BrewingSweet / Milk Stout7.1%
Chocolate Vanilla Brown AleCigar City BrewingAmerican Brown Ale5.0%
Chocolate Vanilla FramboiseThe Libertine Brewing CompanySaison6.1%
Chocolate Vanilla Maple Imperial StoutAngry Chair Brewery / Untitled Art12.0%
Chocolate Vanilla Susy’sGaragiste Meadery
Chocolate WheatShort's Brewing CompanyAmerican Porter5.4%
Chocolate Wheat Imperial StoutAmager / Hoppin' Frog7.8%
Chocolate, Banana, Marshmallow Peanut Butter Jelly CrimeSuperstition Meadery14.0%