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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Blueberry Cream AleGarage Brewing Co5.2%
Blueberry Crumbcake MilkshakeWestville BreweryAmerican Pale Ale6.2%
Blueberry Crumble Slushy903 BrewersFruit and Field Beer6.2%
Blueberry cucumber goseElk brewingGose
Blueberry CumbleLil Beaver BrewingFruit and Field Beer5.0%
Blueberry Dark Sour12welve Eyes brewing4.3%
Blueberry Donut Slushy903 BrewersFruit and Field Beer6.2%
Blueberry EisbockKuhnhenn BrewingEisbock15.5%
Blueberry FlandersSide ProjectFlanders Red Ale7.0%
Blueberry FrangipaneGaragiste Meadery13.0%
Blueberry FritterBarreled Souls
Blueberry FunkOnly ChildWild Ale
Blueberry Giggle JuiceWitch's Hat Brewing Co.
Blueberry GobblerFour Fires Meadery14.0%
Blueberry Granola MaduroCigar City BrewingAmerican Brown Ale5.0%