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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Blue SwirlHex Meadery14.0%
Blue Trail Lemon Blueberry ShandyLancaster Brewing Co.5.0%
Blue Velvet Ripple Sorbet IPAEnergy City BrewingNew England IPA6.4%
Blue WafflesGaragiste Meadery14.0%
Blue-Peach FolkThe Collective Brewing ProjectWild Ale
BluebarrelAmerican SoleraWild Ale5.6%
Blueberries Feel PainOff Color Brewing
BlueberryField & OakFruit and Field Beer
BlueberryScratch BrewingWild Ale
Blueberry + Ginger TripelMoustache Brewing Co.Tripel9.6%
Blueberry Acai MallowScoop2Toms Brewing CompanyBerliner Weisse4.0%
Blueberry AleBlue Point BrewingFruit and Field Beer4.0%
Blueberry AleCascade BrewingWild Ale7.3%
Blueberry Apricot MaigreTransient Artisan AlesBerliner Weisse30.0%
Blueberry BarleywineHåkan12.6%