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Beer Brewery Style ABV
25+OneLeft Hand Brewing CompanyRussian Imperial Stout14.5%
250th Anniversary StoutGuinness Ltd.Irish Dry Stout5.0%
2555Kane Brewing CompanyQuadrupel (Quad)12.5%
2557Kane Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout10.2%
25e AnniversaireUnibroueBelgian Dark Strong Ale9.0%
25th Anniversary AleBell's Brewery, Inc.American Amber / Red Ale8.5%
25th Anniversary AleGoose Island Beer Co.Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)6.4%
25th Anniversary Barrel Aged StoutLong Trail Brewing CoAmerican Stout9.0%
25th Anniversary Belgian-Style Apricot AleLakefront BreweryFruit and Field Beer6.0%
25th Anniversary Bourbon Aged DopplebockKarl Strauss Brewing Company
25th Anniversary Bourbon Barrel-Aged Russian Imperial StoutGreat Lakes BreweryRussian Imperial Stout11.0%
25th Anniversary Flanders RedGoose Island Beer Co.Flanders Red Ale6.7%
25th Anniversary Grand CruBJ's Restaurant and BreweryBelgian Pale Strong Ale10.5%
25th Anniversary Grand CruSaint Arnold Brewing CompanyAmerican Strong Ale11.1%
25th Anniversary Imperial PumpkinLakefront BreweryPumpkin Beer8.0%