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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Batch One Theory - TavourSouthern Grist Brewing CoAmerican Imperial Stout13.1%
Batchelor's DelightLickinghole Creek Craft BreweryQuadrupel (Quad)12.0%
BathoryBrouwerij BliksemEnglish Barleywine10.0%
Bathtub Gin Gruit AleMidnight Sun Brewing Co.Herb and Spice Beer8.0%
Batida with PassionfruitSouthern Grist Brewing CoFruit and Field Beer6.5%
Bâtisserie Chocolate Covered OrangesEnergy City BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
Bâtisserie Chocolate Covered Strawberries StoutEnergy City BrewingSweet / Milk Stout10.0%
Batisserie Chocolate Raspberry TartEnergy City BrewingSweet / Milk Stout8.0%
Batisserie Glazed Chocolate DonutsEnergy City BrewingRussian Imperial Stout9.5%
Batisserie Habanero ChocolateEnergy City BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
Batisserie Neapolitan ClassicEnergy City BrewingRussian Imperial Stout10.0%
Batisserie S'Mores StoutEnergy City BrewingSweet / Milk Stout10.0%
Bâtisserie Tiramisu LatteEnergy City BrewingSweet / Milk Stout10.0%
Batonnage ClassicCrooked Stave Artisan Beer ProjectWild Ale5.0%
Batonnage Dry Hopped & ZestedCrooked Stave Artisan Beer ProjectWild Ale5.0%