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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Vanilla BlacklistedManic Meadery13.9%
Vanilla Blueberry HexSuperstition Meadery14.0%
Vanilla Bourbon Barrel Aged Circle of Wolves The Veil Brewing Company
Vanilla Bourbon Barrel Aged Coconaughty Westbrook Brewing
Vanilla Bourbon DreamDe Struise BrouwersQuadrupel (Quad)11.0%
Vanilla Bourbon NexusThird Space BrewingRussian Imperial Stout12.0%
Vanilla Bourbon Reboog Vitis Garagiste Meadery
Vanilla Cake FeverSori Brewing EstoniaBaltic Porter9.9%
Vanilla Chantilly MilkshakePhase Three Brewing CompanyAmerican IPA7.2%
Vanilla Cheesecake Milk StoutThe Hideout Brewing CompanyAmerican Stout5.6%
Vanilla Cherry DogpatchAlmanac Beer Co.7.5%
Vanilla Cherry StoutCentral Waters Brewing CompanyAmerican Stout11.0%
Vanilla Cinnamon MeadB. Nektar Meadery14.0%
Vanilla Cinnamon Mead 2011Luckydevil Brewery (homebrew)16.0%
Vanilla CityMore Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout12.0%