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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Sunturnbrew (Bourbon Barrel Aged)Nøgne ØAmerican Barleywine11.0%
The SupWhiplashEnglish Porter5.0%
Supa MomoOxbow Brewing CompanyWild Ale10.0%
Supa' PhreshAlvarium Beer CompanyImperial IPA9.1%
Supa' SumoToppling GoliathImperial IPA8.0%
Supah Funk #5Hermit ThrushSaison
Supah Sik SpellsMikkeller San DiegoImperial IPA8.0%
SuparilloOther Half Brewing Co.Imperial IPA8.5%
SuperBirrificia Le Baladin8.0%
SuperBirrificio BaladinBelgian Pale Strong Ale8.0%
Super 8 flandrien Brouwerij Haacht NVBelgian Blonde Ale6.4%
Super AAuvalImperial IPA8.0%
Super ABrasserie AuvalImperial IPA8.0%
Super ArrogantBirrificio BaladinAmerican Strong Ale8.0%
Super BakedGreat NotionFruit and Field Beer8.0%