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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Son of a Baptist (Novo Coffee) Epic Brewing CompanyAmerican Stout8.0%
Son of a PeachRJ RockersFruit and Field Beer6.0%
Son Of A Unic@#$!Interboro Spirits and AlesAmerican IPA6.7%
Son of BerserkerMidnight Sun Brewing Co.
Son of IgorFullsteam BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout10.5%
Son of Jango (Outer Rim Edition)StormBreakerAmerican IPA6.7%
Son of JuiceMaplewood BreweryAmerican IPA6.3%
Son of Peachy KeenZephyr Homebrew14.5%
Son of the MorningDriftwood BreweryBelgian Pale Strong Ale10.0%
Son of the RavenBunkhouse BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout8.8%
Sonatafox farm brewingWild Ale6.1%
Sonderho Hipster AleEvil Twin
Song Of BindingJester King / Brasserie De La SenneSaison6.9%
song of bindingJester King / La SireneSaison6.9%
Song of MyselfEnlightenment AlesAmerican Pale Ale6.0%