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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Murgese StoutLidbhy Gård6.0%
MurielCarolina BauernhausWild Ale7.2%
Murk-Life Ballance Magic RockAmerican Pale Ale
MurkinessMan BluesAustin Brothers Beer Company
Murking Man BluesAustin Brothers Beer CompanyAmerican IPA7.2%
Murko PoloAustin Brothers Beer CompanyNew England IPA7.2%
Murkshake with Raspberries and VanillaPure ProjectImperial IPA10.5%
Murky DimensionsJunkyard Brewing CompanyImperial IPA8.4%
Murky WatersRiverlands Brewing CompanyNew England IPA7.0%
MurmurationGamma Brewing CompanyEnglish IPA6.0%
Murmure - Pastry Sour Mûre Vanille - BIOBrasserie Effet Papillon5.0%
MurphyParish BrewingNew England IPA7.6%
Murphy's Irish StoutHeineken International4.0%
Murphy's Irish StoutMurphy's Brewery Ireland LimitedIrish Dry Stout4.0%
Muscadine ReserveSouthern Brewing CompanyWild Ale6.8%