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Beer Brewery Style ABV
DeathNorthern Monk Brew CoAmerican Imperial Stout12.0%
DeathRivertown Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Death & Taxes (Barrel Aged Imperial Stout)Taxman Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout11.5%
Death And The MiserBurial Beer Co.Wild Ale8.0%
Death BearFlat 12 BierworksRussian Imperial Stout10.5%
Death BearSun King Brewing CompanyRussian Imperial Stout10.3%
Death Becomes YouCerveceria Mexicana S.A. De C.V.American Amber / Red Ale5.5%
Death Before DyingNorth Park Beer Co.American Imperial Stout11.0%
Death Before Dying W/ Madagascar Vanilla BeansNorth Park Beer Co.American Imperial Stout11.3%
Death by Caribbean Chocolate CakeSiren Craft BrewAmerican Imperial Stout10.5%
Death by CloudyLevante brewingImperial IPA10.1%
Death By CoconutOskar Blues BreweryEnglish Porter6.5%
Death by HopsOlde Hickory BreweryEnglish IPA7.0%
Death by Pirate Series: KeelhaulingBIG UGLY BREWINGRussian Imperial Stout11.0%
Death by TickleLevante brewingImperial IPA10.4%