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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Deafening SilenceMoonrakerAmerican Imperial Stout13.0%
Deal with the Devil18th Street BreweryAmerican Pale Ale7.0%
Deal with the devil (cognac barrel) Anchorage Brewing Co
Deal with the VoidTired HandsAmerican Strong Ale14.0%
dealing with dissonanceübergeek Brewing CompanyWild Ale8.4%
Dean (Red Wine Barrel with Cherries and Brett)Spring House Brewing CompanySaison9.7%
Dean (Red Wine Barrel, With Raspberries And Brett)Spring House Brewing CompanySaison9.7%
Dear Agony (Buffalo Trace)Heavy Rift BrewingRussian Imperial Stout13.0%
Dear Agony (Heaven Hill)Heavy Rift BrewingRussian Imperial Stout13.0%
Dear JonSante Adairius Rustic AlesWild Ale6.7%
Dear MamaBlackStack BrewingNew England IPA7.1%
Dear Ol' DixieRaleigh Brewing CompanyAmerican Pale Ale5.6%
Dear PeterTroegs BrewingWild Ale6.0%
Dear Santa,AtriumRussian Imperial Stout12.0%
Dearest AnnaTriptych BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%