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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Cellar Series ChocolateWoodchuck6.9%
Cellar Series Imperial StoutNatty Greene's Pub & Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout
Cellar Series Reserve: Bourbon barrel Russian Imperial Stout w/ MapleLiving the Dream
Cellar Series: A Ton of HoneyPõhjalaAmerican Imperial Stout13.2%
Cellar Series: Strudel StoutPõhjalaRussian Imperial Stout11.5%
Cellar Series: ZeitPõhjalaWheatwine12.0%
CellargeistSupermoon Beer CompanySaison6.9%
CellarmanSante Adairius Rustic AlesSaison6.5%
Cellarman - Barrel Aged (SF Beer Week)Sante Adairius Rustic Ales
Cellarman’s SpiritInterboro Spirits and AlesAmerican IPA7.0%
The Cellars Selection #4Allagash Brewing CompanyQuadrupel (Quad)8.0%
The Cellars Selection #7Allagash Brewing CompanyWild Ale9.8%
Celler Blend Vol. 1Phantom CarriageWild Ale7.5%
Cells InterlinkedNew Glory Craft BreweryEnglish IPA8.0%
Celtic AleLong Ireland Beer CompanyIrish Red Ale5.0%