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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Canes of JudasCathedral SquareWild Ale11.0%
CangrandeBirra MastinoHelles4.8%
Canis MajorBravery BrewingAmerican Brown Ale12.6%
Canis Major 2017Bravery Brewing12.6%
CannaheimNew Image BreweryImperial IPA9.0%
The CannibalIron Hill BreweryTripel7.7%
Cannoli of the JungleListermann Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout8.0%
Cannon DraggerBurnt HickoryAmerican IPA8.0%
CannonauHet Boerenerf Eylenbosch7.0%
Cannonau Oogst Boerenerf
CannonballMagic RockEnglish IPA7.4%
Cannonball RunWiley Roots Brewing Co.Fruit and Field Beer6.5%
CannonsLIC Beer Project
Canny ManRadical Road Brewing Co.Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy9.1%
Canopy3 Sheeps Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout12.3%