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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Calimost GoseWicked WeedGose3.7%
CalimyrnaMraz Brewing
Calix NigerBirrificio Dei Castelli6.7%
Call for Adventure B.A.Brouwerij Frontaal / Dugges BryggeriQuadrupel (Quad)10.0%
Call Him AndyBruery Terreux
Call it a dayMoat Mountain Smoke House & Brewing CoImperial IPA8.0%
Call it a DayVagabund Brauerei GmbHExtra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)4.9%
call me clausBirra dell'EremoBelgian Dark Strong Ale10.3%
Call of the VoidHoly Mountain
Call of the VoidPips Meadery
Call Sign: Mad GhostForgotten Road AlesNew England IPA8.2%
Call The HopsFortnight Brewing CompanyNew England IPA6.0%
Call to MIndSuarez Family BrewerySaison
Call to Mind VintageSuarez Family BrewerySaison5.4%
Calle sècheÀ l’abri de la TempêteAmerican Blonde Ale4.2%