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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Cabin Bier PuncheonFreak Folk BierSaison6.0%
Cabin FeverNew Glarus Brewing CompanyMaibock6.0%
Cabin FeverNew Holland Brewing CompanyAmerican Brown Ale
Cabin Fever AleBerkshire Brewing CompanyWinter Warmer6.3%
Cabin Fever Imperial Black IPAPhillips Brewing Company8.5%
Cabin Fever Winter AleBoundary Bay Brewery and Bistro7.0%
Cabinet of CuriositiesTwo Brothers BrewingBelgian IPA6.5%
Cable Car AleThe Lost AbbeyWild Ale7.0%
Cable Car KriekThe Lost AbbeyWild Ale7.0%
CABooseThe Hideout Brewing CompanyAmerican Brown Ale
CabraThree Floyds BrewingScottish Ale
Cabra PerdidaGreenbush Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.4%
Cabro ExtraCervecera NacionalAmerican Lager
CabrónBig Belly Brewing CompanyAmerican IPA6.9%
Cabron 14Le Trou Du Diable6.0%