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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Breakfast for fourWeldworksAmerican Imperial Stout
Breakfast Grapefruit IPAStrange Craft Beer CompanyAmerican IPA7.0%
Breakfast GrenadeManic Meadery13.1%
Breakfast HeroTrimTab BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout8.5%
Breakfast in BelgiumJagged Mountain Craft BreweryEnglish Barleywine10.0%
Breakfast JuiceGatlinburg Brewing Company
Breakfast JunkieHeist BreweryFruit and Field Beer5.0%
The Breakfast KlobMikkeller8.0%
Breakfast KlobMikkeller San DiegoOatmeal Stout8.0%
Breakfast LordModern TimesAmerican Stout13.0%
Breakfast MagpieNew Day
Breakfast of ChampignonsThe Wild Beer Co.Fruit and Field Beer
Breakfast of ChampionsVoodoo Brewing Co.,LLCAmerican Stout5.2%
Breakfast of LeisureGreat NotionAmerican Imperial Stout11.3%
Breakfast of StallionsBlue StallionEnglish Barleywine11.0%