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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Bourbon Barrel Aged French Toast Devil DogROAK Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.4%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Freudian SipRough DraftAmerican Strong Ale
Bourbon Barrel Aged Full BoarDevil's CanyonScotch Ale / Wee Heavy9.4%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Full Grown ManTupps BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout13.0%
Bourbon Barrel Aged German Chocolate Cake StoutSouthern Pines Brewing Co.American Imperial Stout11.5%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Gingerbread Imperial StoutMoody TongueAmerican Imperial Stout16.0%
Bourbon Barrel Aged GrampsRhinegeist BreweryAmerican Barleywine11.9%
Bourbon Barrel Aged GratitudeEast End Brewing CompanyAmerican Barleywine11.4%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Gravity WellInsight BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout11.5%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Hairy CowCharleville BreweryScotch Ale / Wee Heavy9.0%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Hazelnut & Banana Born Day Magnify Brewing
Bourbon Barrel Aged Hazelnut PorterpFriemImperial Porter9.7%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Heavyweight Ticklefight Champion of the WorldSolemn Oath11.9%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Hegemony Anniver5ary ReserveSt. Boniface Craft Brewing CompanyRussian Imperial Stout10.0%
Bourbon Barrel Aged Hegemony ANNIVER7ARY Reserve (Blue Wax)St. Boniface Craft Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout11.3%