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Beer Brewery Style ABV
BockbierHertog Jan6.5%
BockbierKlosterbru BambergBock7.0%
BockbierLa trappeBock7.0%
BockenreyderBig Belly Brewing CompanyBock7.0%
Bockor Omer Traditional BlondOmer Vander GhinsteBelgian Pale Strong Ale8.0%
BodaciousKarbach BrewingImperial IPA
Bodacious Black and TanHoppin' Frog Brewery7.8%
BodemHalf Acre Beer CompanyAmerican IPA6.8%
The BodhisattvaBang the Elephant Brewing Co.New England IPA5.2%
BodhisattvaZebulon Artisan AlesSaison6.3%
BodhizafaGeorgetown BrewingAmerican IPA6.9%
Body By Pastry StoutPrairie Artisan Ales
Body DubbelGreat Lakes BreweryDubbel6.3%
Body Like A Battle AxeOskar Blues BreweryScotch Ale / Wee Heavy6.7%
Body RiddleWhiplashAmerican Pale Ale4.5%