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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Bloodshot Red AleArgus BeweryExtra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)5.4%
Bloody 'EllBeavertown BreweryAmerican IPA7.4%
Bloody BeerShort's Brewing CompanyFruit and Field Beer8.5%
Bloody ButcherBrasserie Bnifontaine
Bloody ButcherFonta FloraSaison5.2%
Bloody ChristmasTorn Label Brewing Co.
Bloody CupidEcho Hill breweryAmerican Amber / Red Ale5.5%
Bloody Mary AleFlying Dog Brewery6.8%
Bloody Mary RyePAParanormal BrewingAmerican IPA6.5%
Bloody NotoriousBeavertown BreweryImperial IPA9.1%
Bloody RootsAdroit Theory
Bloody ShowAgainst the GrainBohemian / Czech Pilsner5.5%
Bloody ShowAgainst The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse
Bloody SunriseCentral Waters Brewing CompanyAmerican Blonde Ale
BloomAmalgamAmerican Imperial Stout