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Beer Brewery Style ABV
bird WatcherLeft Field BreweryAmerican Lager5.0%
Bird's Eye RyeFlying Dog BreweryRye Beer5.3%
Bird's Milk - Rye Whiskey Barrel-AgedBurgeon Beer CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout14.0%
BirdbrainPizza Boy Brewing Co.Wild Ale6.5%
Birdhouse Tea BeerAbbeydaleAmerican Pale Ale
BirdpersonHorus Aged AlesWild Ale9.5%
The Birds & The Beast - Cognac BarrelMad FritzAmerican Barleywine10.2%
The Birds and the Beasts - GoetheMad FritzAmerican Barleywine10.6%
Birds Of ParadiseBottle LogicFruit and Field Beer14.0%
Birds of the MeadowStandard Meadery11.0%
Birdseye TripelRaised Grain Brewing CompanyTripel9.2%
Birdsong PlatitudesSante Adairius Rustic AlesAmerican Blonde Ale5.5%
Birdwatcher Coconut Vanilla Bourbon Barrel Aged Blueberry StoutDark Horse Brewing Co.Russian Imperial Stout12.0%
BirdwatchingBrouwerij het UiltjeNew England IPA8.2%
BirellCoopers BreweryLight Lager0.5%