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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Bent De GardeBraindead BrewingBière de Garde8.0%
Bent Hop - Golden IPABent Paddle Brewing Co.American IPA6.2%
Bent Nail IPARed Lodge AlesAmerican IPA
BenthicHalf Acre Beer CompanyRussian Imperial Stout11.8%
Benthic Rum CoconutHalf Acre Beer CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout13.8%
Beoir BairilleCigar City BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout13.2%
Beoir Le CaifeCigar City Brewing6.0%
BeRazzledThe BrueryWild Ale5.1%
Bere NiceEast Side BrewingWitbier4.6%
Bere: 1Wax Wings Brewing Company
Bere: 3Wax Wings Brewing CompanyEnglish Barleywine14.5%
BeretThe BrueryWild Ale9.0%
BeretBruery Terreux9.0%
Beret with Peaches and VanillaThe BrueryWild Ale9.0%
Beret with Peaches and VanillaBruery Terreux8.9%