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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Bees KneesBurley Oak BreweryEnglish Brown Ale7.0%
The Bees of the InvisibleThe Referend Bier BlenderyLambic7.1%
Bees With A BuzzGrimm Artisanal AlesTripel8.0%
Bees!Half Hours on Earth Brewery6.6%
Beet DownEpic AlesFruit and Field Beer5.0%
The beet that shall not be namedBeau's All Natural Brewing Co.Belgian Dark Strong Ale9.9%
Beet weissCrane Brewing
BeetsPlan Bee Farm Brewery
Beets Rhymes and LifeFonta FloraFruit and Field Beer
Beewolf BraggotDogfish Head Craft Brewery7.0%
BeezerOld Irving Brewing Co.New England IPA6.9%
BeezlejusOld Irving Brewing Co.Imperial IPA10.3%
Before Land ShookHalf Acre Beer CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout14.3%
Before the DawnSteel Toe BrewingAmerican Barleywine13.0%
Before the StormLittle Beast BrewingBelgian Dark Ale12.5%