BBA Boys and Berries | Manic Meadery | | 17.4% |
BBA Cash or Credit | Magnify Brewing | | |
BBA Coffee Underverse | Masthead Brewing Company | American Imperial Stout | 11.0% |
BBA Dark Star | Fremont Brewing Company | American Imperial Stout | |
BBA Dark Star: Coffee Edition | Fremont Brewing Company | American Imperial Stout | 11.0% |
BBA Dark Star: Spice Wars | Fremont Brewing Company | American Imperial Stout | 11.0% |
BBA Elliot | Manic Meadery | | 16.4% |
BBA Fools Russian Hazelnut Coffee | Quaff On! Brewing Co. | American Imperial Stout | 12.0% |
BBA IHOP | Honey Pot Meadery | | |
BBA Imperial P-51 Porter | Texas Corners | American Porter | |
BBA Imperial Pajamas - Maple Cinammon | Begyle Brewing Company | American Imperial Stout | 13.2% |
BBA Imperial Pajamas - Vanilla | Begyle Brewing Company | American Imperial Stout | 13.1% |
BBA Last Buffalo in the Park ( The Living Barrel Series) | Funky Buddha Lounge and Brewery | American Porter | |
BBA Long Polymer John Donut Ale | Dark Horse Brewing Co. | American Porter | 8.0% |
BBA Lumberjack Breakfast | Hailstorm Brewing Co. | American Imperial Stout | 13.5% |