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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Yeh-YehHalf Hours on Earth Brewery6.8%
YelamuThornbridgeImperial IPA7.4%
Yella BBLsBruery TerreuxWild Ale16.0%
Yella LambzThe Veil Brewing CompanyFruit and Field Beer4.0%
Yella RrariThree Floyds Brewing
YellowModern TimesSaison7.5%
Yellow BellyBuxton BreweryWild Ale
Yellow BellyOmnipolloAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Yellow BellyOmnipollo & Buxton BreweryRussian Imperial Stout11.0%
Yellow Belly Peanut Butter Biscuit StoutOmnipollo & Buxton BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
Yellow Belly SundaeOmnipolloAmerican Imperial Stout12.0%
Yellow Belly SundaeOmnipollo & Buxton BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout12.0%
Yellow Breaches KriekPizza Boy Brewing Co.
The Yellow Bus (2020)The Lost AbbeyWild Ale7.0%
Yellow Cab LagerEvil TwinEuropean Pale Lager4.8%