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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Work the SystemMagnify Brewing
Workaholic Pale AleCrooked Can Brewing Company
Worker BeeShoreline Brewery
Workers CompTwo Roads Brewing Co.
Workers stompTwo Roads Brewing Co.Saison
Workhorse IPALaurelwood Public House & BreweryAmerican IPA
Workhorse PorterVictory BrewingAmerican Porter
Working 9 To SteinBarebottle Brewing CompanyHelles5.1%
Working For The WeekendSpiteful Brewing CompanyImperial IPA7.9%
Working ManRevolution Brewing LLCEnglish Pale Mild Ale3.3%
Working Man's LunchFullsteam BreweryAmerican Brown Ale5.7%
Working MemoryTree House Brewing CompanySaison6.0%
Working TitlePerennial Artisan AlesBelgian Pale Ale6.2%
Working VacationCerebral BrewingAmerican Imperial Stout12.4%
Workingman's WheatAmherst Brewing CompanyHefeweizen4.9%