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Beer Brewery Style ABV
WolpertingerPipeworks Brewing CompanyImperial IPA9.0%
WolpertingerUrban Chestnut Brewing Company7.3%
Wolpertinger 2012Urban Chestnut Brewing CompanyAmerican Brown Ale9.0%
Wolters Black BeerHofbrauhaus Wolters GmbHSchwarzbier4.9%
Wolters PilsenerHofbrauhaus Wolters GmbHGerman Pilsner4.7%
Wolved by VikingsSolemn OathAmerican Strong Ale14.0%
Wolverine Wheat BeerHereford & Hops Restaurant and Brewpub #1Hefeweizen
Wolves in the PianoBirds Fly South Ale ProjectAmerican Imperial Stout12.3%
Womb MatesArkane AleworksAmerican Imperial Stout
Wompa TulaLong Beard Brewing Co.American Pale Ale5.9%
Won't You Be My Neighb1840 Brewing CompanyFlanders Red Ale7.3%
WonderLagunitas Brewing Company
WondermuttSante Adairius Rustic AlesSaison
WonderstuffBauhaus Brew LabsBohemian / Czech Pilsner5.4%
Wondrous Beings Chained to LIfeFieldwork Brewing Co.12.5%