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Beer Brewery Style ABV
World on a StringAllagash Brewing Company9.5%
World Peace Death RayBristol Brewing
World ResonanceGarage ProjectNew England IPA5.0%
The World the Mortals ReturnedBurial Beer Co.
World Wide StoutDogfish Head Craft BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout18.0%
World Wide WestcoastTo ØlEnglish IPA4.4%
The World's Colombian Coffee ExpositionHop Butcher for the WorldAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
World's Moist WantedBrewHeart10.3%
World's Problem Solver IPABenford BrewingAmerican IPA6.8%
The World's Turned Upside DownCarton Brewing CompanyAmerican Barleywine12.0%
World's Worst TwinJester King Craft BrewerySaison5.5%
WorldBrew3Oskar Blues BreweryAmerican Pale Wheat Beer
WormDriveStone Cow BrewingWild Ale4.8%
Worms within the lion’s body Floodland BrewingWild Ale8.7%
WorryHeretic Brewing CompanyBelgian Pale Strong Ale9.8%