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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Basic BeckyPrairie Artisan AlesAmerican Imperial Stout11.0%
Basic elementParadox BreweryOatmeal Stout6.0%
Basic RebeccaPrairie Artisan AlesAmerican Imperial Stout13.6%
Basic ShakeBrewDog LtdEnglish IPA4.7%
Basil & BerriesBoatrocker Brewing CompanyWild Ale6.1%
Basil in the RyeGreat South Bay BreweryRye Beer6.0%
Basil RyemanTennessee Brew WorksSaison
Basilic & SurannéMicrobrasserie Pit CaribouBerliner Weisse5.0%
BasilicaDevice BrewingImperial IPA10.5%
Basilicum GeuzePublitastingLambic6.0%
Basin Of AttractionAugust Schell BrewingBerliner Weisse5.8%
BaskBasic City Beer CompanyImperial IPA7.6%
Baskerville Phantom CarriageAmerican Imperial Stout11.5%
Basking in bourbon barrel Saranac BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout11.4%
Basking In Bourbon Barrels 2017Saranac BreweryAmerican Imperial Stout11.4%