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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Wisconsin Belgian RedNew Glarus Brewing CompanyFruit and Field Beer4.0%
Wisconsin StoutUntitled Art / Listermann Brewing CompanyAmerican Imperial Stout10.0%
Wisconsin's Old FashionedMobCraft BeerImperial Red Ale8.0%
WisconsiniteLakefront BreweryHefeweizen4.2%
WisdomBarreled SoulsOld Ale15.1%
WisdomBarreled Souls / HorusOld Ale
Wisdom (2022)Barreled SoulsOld Ale16.1%
Wisdom is LearnedSante Adairius Rustic Ales
The Wisdom of LaughterMuckraker Beermaker
Wisdom SeekerBlack Raven Brewing Co.Imperial IPA8.9%
Wisdom’s HourVictory BrewingAmerican Strong Ale9.5%
The Wise ESBElysian Brewing Co.Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB)5.9%
Wise GuiseThe Rare BarrelWild Ale5.6%
The Wise Man4 Hands Brewing Co.Wheatwine9.5%
Wise WordsDancing GnomeImperial IPA8.0%