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Beer Brewery Style ABV
Weichsel RotbierBrauerei SchlenkerlaRauchbier4.6%
The Weigh In: BalatonJester King Craft BreweryWild Ale5.7%
The Weigh In: MontmorencyJester King Craft BreweryWild Ale5.7%
Weight of the WorldBlack Heath Meadery14.0%
Weight of the World CocoBlack Heath Meadery14.0%
Weight of the World Coco CocaoBlack Heath Meadery14.0%
Weight RatiosBottle LogicAmerican Imperial Stout13.3%
Weightless MosaicRedwillowAmerican IPA4.2%
Weights & MeasuresExhibit 'A'English Barleywine10.0%
Weihenstephaner VitusBayerische Staatsbrauerei WeihenstephanWeizenbock7.7%
WeijsbeerBockDe Blauwe IjsbeerWeizenbock6.0%
Weird & Gilly IPASingleCut BeersmithsAmerican IPA6.6%
Weird EraPerennial Artisan AlesLambic5.1%
Weird HairdoFuerst WiacekNew England IPA8.0%
Weird WeatherMikkellerNew England IPA0.3%